A cervical amputation is an operation aimed at completely removing or only partially cutting off the cervix. It is performed, among others in the case of extensive erosions or in the early stages of cervical cancer. What does cervical amputation look like? How long after surgery can sexual intercourse begin? Is it possible to get pregnant after removing the cervix?
Cervical amputationis an operation aimed at partially cutting off or completely removing the cervix, i.e. the narrowed part of the uterus entering the vagina.
Cervical amputation - indications
Cervical amputation can be performed in the case of:
- disorders of the statics of the reproductive organs - reduction or prolapse of the cervix / uterus
- excessively elongated cervix after childbirth
- too short cervix (to make it longer)
Before the operation it is necessary to undergo a pap smear test and possibly a colposcopy
- postpartum cracks on the neck
- very extensive erosions
- multiple polyps
- large retention cysts (Naboth's ovula)
- hypertrophy
- chronic inflammation of the cervix
- cervical dysplasia (these are precancerous changes - if left untreated, they can turn into cancer)
- early stage cervical cancer
GOOD TO KNOW>>Cervical cancer detected quickly and curable
In the latter case (and only then!) You can completely amputate the cervix (trachelectomy). However, this type of solution is chosen very rarely. Cervical amputation is performed not only to remove pathologically changed tissues, but also for diagnostic purposes. The cut part of the cervix is sent for histopathological examination. Cervical amputation and pregnancy After cervical amputation, you can get pregnant and the woman shouldn't have any problems with it. However, surgery may have an impact on the course of pregnancy and may be a problem in reporting it. It all depends on how much of the cervix has been excised. Removala large part of it may affect the functioning of the uterus, and thus - increase the risk of miscarriages or premature births. Therefore, a cervical amputee who is expecting a baby should see a doctor as soon as possible. It's good to know that delivery in women with an amputated cervix usually proceeds smoothly. However, if it is completely removed, the doctor may decide to terminate the pregnancy by caesarean section. First of all, any inflammation within the genital system should be cured, as they are a contraindication to cervical amputation. Moreover, surgery is not performed during menstrual bleeding. It's best to start it right after the end of the period. Partial amputation of the cervix consists in cutting off a diseased fragment of the cervix with a certain margin of he althy tissues. In turn, a total amputation involves the removal of the cervix with the top of the vagina, leaving the uterine body. After the amputation, the doctor thoroughly fixes the vaginal mucosa with the mucosa of the cervical canal by suturing in a special way that was developed by Dr. Arnold Sturmdorf, hence the name of the procedure -Sturmdorf amputation . The operation takes about 30-40 minutes and is performed under general anesthesia. After its completion, the patient remains in the hospital for observation and usually goes home the next day. Cervical amputation and intercourse For a few weeks after the amputation of the cervix (absolutely for the first 4 weeks) you have to give up intercourse. It is best to ask your doctor about when you can have sex at the first follow-up visit. GOOD TO KNOW>>Sex: how to make love after gynecological surgery - removal of the ovaries, uterus or cervix
In addition, tampons cannot be used for several weeks after the surgery. After the procedure, there may be discharge and slight spotting, which will last about 10 days (in the case of heavy bleeding and vaginal discharge, please contact your doctor). Painkillers may be helpful in the first days after the procedure. In addition, hygiene rules must be strictly adhered to. Recovery takes about 7-10 days. The first control visit takes place about 4 weeks after the surgery. They are held regularly to rule out an appearancepossible complications. In the case of cancer-related amputations, cytological and colposcopic checkups are necessary - in the first year after surgery, usually every 3 months, and then every six months.Cervical amputation - how to prepare for surgery?
Cervical amputation - what does the operation look like?
Cervical amputation - after the procedure