A he althy person can influence the work of his heart. And the slower it beats, the more chances we have to avoid a heart attack.

Yourheartbeats faster when you are excited, but if nothing happens, your heart beats steadily - slower for some and faster for others. Its regular work is possible thanks to the action of a natural motor, which is the sinoatrial node. It determines how oftenthe heart musclecontracts and relaxes, pumpingbloodinto all cells in the body. Its work depends onpulse , i.e. the heart rateof the heart rate .

Our life limit

Pulse, e.g. 70, is the number of heartbeats per minute. The higher the value, the faster the heart beats. Until recently, doctors did not attach great importance to the information provided by heart rate measurement, because it was believed that blood pressure was much more important for human he alth. It turned out, however, that the pulse is of great importance for the quality and length of life. It is the pulse that determines how we will, if this happens, get heart disease. On average, the human heart beats at a rate of 60-70 beats per minute. As scientists have calculated, it is programmed to be roughly 3 billion beats. So people with a faster pulse live shorter lives. For example, heart attack is much more difficult and more often they die because of it, compared to those whose heart is working slower. The condition of the circulatory system and how often the heart beats are determined by the lifestyle, diet and burden of civilization diseases.

Let your heart rest

We have an influence on how often our heart beats. This was confirmed by the Beautiful study conducted a few years ago in 33 countries around the world. Their effect is the development of the 5xC rule, which contains the most important factors determining the condition of the circulatory system.

  • In he althy people, slowing the heart rate from 70 to 60 beats per minute can extend life by up to several years.
  • In those with coronary artery disease, the pulse slows down to 60 per minute by 34 percent. reduces the risk of death
    from heart disease and by 46% heart attack risk.
  • The most important thing for a proper heart rhythm is physical effort (30 minutes every day), because - if you periodically force your heart to work harder - it beats slower during rest.
  • Diet is of great importance.The best is Mediterranean - rich in vegetables, fruits, olive oil
    and other vegetable fats and sea fish. Nuts, almonds, garlic, green tea, dark chocolate and… a little red wine also have a protective effect on the heart. They are products rich in antioxidants that protect heart cells from damage.

5 x C or what affects the proper functioning of the heart

  1. Diabetes - especially the type 2 diabetes mellitus is often caused by everything that civilization brings to us. Excess blood glucose promotes obesity, arterial hypertension, and venous and kidney failure. Lowering the blood sugar level causes you to lose excess pounds, lower blood pressure, and lower the heart rate by a few (3-4) beats per minute.
  2. Cholesterol - safe total cholesterol level must not exceed 190 mg / dl. Higher one is the cause of atherosclerosis, i.e. narrowing of the inside of the vessels by atherosclerotic plaque. Blood squeezes through such vessels, and this increases the pressure. In order to pump the blood needed by the organs and the heart, the heart has to contract more often, so the pulse is faster.
  3. Blood pressure - ideal is 120/80 mmHg, but it is also considered safe if it does not exceed 139/89. Higher ones are already a disease, i.e. arterial hypertension. It is favored by overweight, alcohol abuse, excess s alt and genetic predisposition. Lowering blood pressure through diet and exercise will result in a slower pulse. This is a tangible he alth benefit.
  4. Heart rate - the quality and length of life is determined by a pulse equal to or less than 60-70 beats per minute. Its frequency is of great importance in people at risk of or already suffering from coronary heart disease.
    In patients, drugs - beta-blockers are used to reduce the heart rate. He althy people will achieve the same effect by increasing physical effort.
  5. Clean air - that is quitting smoking - lowers blood pressure almost immediately and slows down the heart rate. An additional benefit is the reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides. It is worth stopping smoking, because each cigarette raises blood pressure by 10-15 mmHg and speeds up the pulse by 8-10 beats. While smoking, the arteries that supply blood to the heart contract.

Why the HEART beats too fast

This may suggest not only experiencing strong emotions, but also serious diseases, e.g.

  • hyperthyroidism,
  • neurosis,
  • diseases of the atria or ventricles,
  • respiratory failure,
  • severe hypoxia of the body,
  • anemia,
  • alcohol, coffee and nicotine abuse.

Why the HEART beats too slowly

A slow heart rate may suggest:

  • sympathetic nervous system disorders,
  • disturbances in blood ejection (contraction) from the heart chambers to the arteries,
  • increase
  • intracranial pressure that accompanies, for example, a stroke,
  • poisoning the body, and therefore the heart, with harmful chemicals.

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