Hypertension is one of those diseases that destroy our body without warning. It develops asymptomatically and painlessly. If you want to reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure, you need to adopt a he althy lifestyle and control your blood pressure levels.

The optimal blood pressure for the circulatory system isblood pressure , which is approx. 120 mmHg during systole and approx. 80 mmHg during diastole; pressure is normal when values ​​are between 120-129 mmHg and 80-84 mmHg. You should be concerned about the so-called high normal pressure, with a value of 130-139 mmHg and 85-89 mmHg. If it is constantly in the range of 140-150 at 90-99 mmHg, we are dealing with the following disease:hypertension1st degree, also called mild.

First symptoms of hypertension

The amount of blood pressure depends on the strength of heart contraction, the number of beats per minute, the volume of blood circulating in the body and the resistance of the blood vessels to the blood flow. But our emotions, everyday problems and the type of work we do are also important. Pressure fluctuations are normal. When the blood vessels become overgrown with plaque, blood cannot flow freely through them. Then there is headache and dizziness, sometimes shortness of breath, and sometimes irritability or excessive sleepiness. Some have heart palpitations, chest pains, reddened face, neck, chest and high blood pressure. Most often, however, incorrect pressure values ​​are detected accidentally.

How to lower the pressure? Meet home remedies


High blood pressure

  • accelerates the development of atherosclerosis,
  • increases the risk of a heart attack,
  • threatens with a stroke,
  • damages your eyesight,
  • leads to kidney failure.

Small changes, big profit

Slightly elevated blood pressure can be lowered without medication - some lifestyle modification is enough. And it does not have to be just austerities. Follow at least 2-3 of our recommendations and you will reduce the risk of developing hypertensive disease.

Lose excess weight - obesity promotes hypertension. Losing one kilogram of body weight lowers blood pressure by 2-3 mmHg. An adult who does not work physically does not need more than 1500 kcal per day. You should eat 4-5 small meals a day; last at the latest 3hours before bedtime. The diet should not lack vegetables and fruits that lower blood pressure and are low in calories (e.g. cranberries, lemons, beets, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, onions). Maintaining a nice figure is favored by the radical limitation of white bread, white flour pasta, white rice and fine-grained groats. Utensils will do well to discontinue sweets, full-fat dairy products, fatty meats and cold cuts, egg yolks, powdered soups, ready-made sauces, junk food. Limit s alt - eat only half a teaspoon of s alt a day and you will lower your blood pressure by 10 mmHg in a few weeks. A person daily requires 1 g of s alt for the body to function efficiently. S alt can be replaced with herbs. People who can not imagine life without s alty taste can save the so-called. dietary s alt, i.e. potassium chloride, which does not raise blood pressure. To keep blood pressure in check, avoid canned food and highly processed foods. Remember about vitamin C-its deficiency can cause long-lasting contraction of blood vessels and increase in pressure. Cabbage, citrus fruits, currants, chokeberry and cranberry are rich sources of vitamin C. Vitamin D deficiency also increases blood pressure. You need to spend more time outdoors, because the sun stimulates the synthesis of this vitamin.


Reach for garlic

One clove of fresh garlic contains 5 to 9 mg of allicin. This is a sufficient dose to normalize the high blood pressure. Garlic (which has been shown in many clinical trials) has an effect similar to antihypertensive drugs, i.e. lowering blood pressure.

Watch out for fats - those containing omega-3 fatty acids (vegetable oils, olive oil) are an important element in the prevention of hypertension. It is worth using walnut and sesame oil and rapeseed oil because they contain a lot of linolenic (omega-3) and linoleic (omega-6) acids. Both compounds contribute to lowering blood pressure and the level of the so-called bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. When the pressure exceeds 130/80 mmHg, it is best to give up animal fats, i.e. bacon, lard, butter, because they destroy blood vessels and promote atherosclerosis, which significantly increases blood pressure.

Start exercising - physical exercise allows you to reduce the upper pressure by up to 10 mmHg, and the lower pressure by 5 mmHg, but you need to exercise regularly. You can start your daily gymnastics with a few bends, strokes or squats. In the beginning, exercise as much as you can. Gradually, your physical performance will increase. And if you don't like exercising, take a walk. It is important to walk 3-4 km each day, i.e. several bus stops.

Set asidestimulants - tobacco, alcohol, strong coffee are enemies of blood vessels. Nicotine constricts them and blood pushes through the arteries with increasing difficulty, so the pressure rises, the process of atherosclerotic plaque build-up accelerates. After quitting smoking, blood pressure gradually lowers, but only after a few years does it reach the same level as in people who have never smoked. Alcohol also raises blood pressure, but when drunk in small amounts (especially red wine) it slows down the development of atherosclerosis. Its greater amount perpetuates hypertension. You can drink 1-2 drinks, 2-3 glasses of wine or 0.5 liters of beer during the day with impunity. On the other hand, coffee, although it also raises blood pressure, may reduce the risk of a heart attack, according to recently published research studies. It is enough to drink 2-3 small cups every day.

Do not get stressed - it is a factor that causes the so-called essential hypertension, i.e. hypertension whose cause is difficult to establish. If you learn to manage stress, you'll stay he althy longer. Simple relaxation exercises will help you maintain your mental balance. For example: close your eyes, cover your ears with your hands, fold your elbows to the sides and take 5 deep breaths. Lower your arms and let your muscles relax. Repeat the exercise several times. Once you get into practice, it only takes one minute to de-stress.

Rest - well-organized rest is essential for he alth. A minimum of two weeks of vacation is needed to really recharge your batteries. Remember that staying in high mountains may increase blood pressure, but going to the seaside is favorable for the vessels. Every day, and take care of a good night's sleep - it is one of the elements of heart disease prevention. If you have trouble falling asleep, don't underestimate them, as they can be a signal of more serious ailments, such as depression, which increases your blood pressure.

Be careful with medications - even over-the-counter medications can be dangerous for people prone to high blood pressure. You need to be especially careful with the remedies for bone pain and runny nose. Those that contain ephedrine can significantly increase blood pressure. In some people, even to values ​​that are dangerous to life.

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