Colic, stomach pains and heavy rain. Maybe a runny nose and coughing. Plus red cheeks and dry skin. These symptoms may suggest that your child is allergic. The first signs of allergy are easy to notice in a few weeks old baby. Food allergy is usually the most common allergy in babies.
You should tell your pediatrician as soon as possible about any disturbing symptoms. It is he who will rule out the infection (symptoms can be similar) and recommend a diet change. In the beginning, this is usually enough. However, if the symptoms worsen, and there are other allergy sufferers in your family, it is worth going to a specialist. A referral to an allergist is written by a pediatrician.
Causes of allergies
Research shows that on average every third person suffers from various manifestations ofallergy . Changes in the natural environment, antibiotic treatments, diet - all this exposes you to more frequent contact with substances that causesensitization . Heredity also plays an important role, which does not mean that a child of allergic parents will definitely get this disease "in an inheritance". In his case, there is only a greater risk of developing the disease than in a peer whose family has no history of allergies.
The most common allergy in an infant isfood allergy . The problems arise from the fact that the digestive system of a small person is not yet fully functional and cannot cope with all the ingredients of food. The baby reacts to the allergenic substance with rain, colic, flatulence, constipation, and diarrhea. In addition, there are frequent problems with the respiratory system - runny nose, cough, wheezing, wheezing and skin problems (the so-called atopic dermatitis).
Inhalation allergy
This type of allergy is caused when a sensitizing substance enters the body through the respiratory system. Most often they harm house dust mites, animal hair, pollen of plants. Until recently, inhaled allergy was mainly afflicted by older children, and now more and more often also by infants. As with any allergy, the allergenic agent should also be avoided here. So, observe the pollen maps and do not go to places where the pollen concentration is high, ventilate the rooms carefully to prevent moisture (especially in the bathroom), avoid carpets, curtains,stuffed animals, and give your cat or dog in good hands.
Proper Elimination Diet
They can sensitize all dietary components, but cow's milk protein is most often responsible for the allergy. Disturbing symptoms appear both in children who are breastfed and in those who take formula. In the latter case, change the mixture as soon as possible. However, do not do it alone, only as recommended by your pediatrician. And watch for improvement.
Allergy in an infant must not be a reason for stopping breastfeeding! You just have to do a little different now, but never deprive your baby of precious mom's food.
The first step will be to change mom's diet. What is harmful must be ruled out. So, yogurt, kefir, milk, cream, cottage cheese, cheese disappear from the menu. Lack of dairy products means lack of calcium, so it would be good for mom to take calcium supplements at that time - after consulting a doctor, of course. An elimination diet will certainly alleviate the symptoms of a baby, and in many cases it will make them completely disappear.
However, it must be remembered that they also sensitize other food ingredients, e.g. citrus, nuts, strawberries, tomatoes, celery, chocolate, eggs, fish. So, carefully include them in your diet, carefully observing your toddler's reactions. Then, when he gets older, incorporate them into his diet with equal care. Each time you add or exclude an ingredient, observe the results. It is worth keeping a special notebook with notes for this purpose. Then, during a visit to a specialist, he will be as found.
Allergic tests
Sometimes, however, it is difficult to guess what is really harmful, because symptoms may appear from several hours to several days after eating the allergen. Be smart here! In such cases, it is worth using tests. The blood ones can be made for an infant, the skin ones - for an older child, at the earliest four years old. Their reliability is the same.
Tests are carried out by an allergist or a special laboratory. I need a referral. It is very important to diagnose the allergy as soon as possible, because in the treatment of this disease it is most important to exclude the allergenic component. No allergen means no disease. However, if the parents ignore the symptoms, the allergy will probably worsen - the baby may soon become allergic to other ingredients, and over time suffer from asthma. Such a phenomenon is called an allergic march.
Allergy can also cause he alth complications: inflammation of the middle ear, tonsils, bronchi and even lungs. And weaken the immune system, which will result in more frequent infections.
Proper skin carebaby
Even if allergy symptoms can be minimized (eg with an elimination diet or the administration of appropriate medications), you must remember that your baby's skin will always be more sensitive. It will chafe, dry out and even become inflamed more quickly. Especially on the face, in the bends of the elbows and knees, behind the ears. In addition, the skin itches and the baby will scratch the reddened areas. Cradle cap may also appear. Therefore, be careful with the cosmetics you use to care for your baby; should be annotated that they will not harm the allergy sufferer. The same applies to washing powder - for at least the first year, clothes should be washed in a special powder.
Also take care of moisturizing baths and proper moisturizing with a balm.
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