When you are expecting a baby, put some homework aside for "in 9 months". Do the others very carefully now.

1. Do not clean windows and do not hang curtains

Washing windows when pregnant is not a good idea: it is usually accompanied by a draft, and it is a simple way to catch a cold. If there is no one to clean your windows, postpone it until after the puerperium. On the other hand, hanging curtains requires keeping your hands up for a long time, which can lead to circulatory disorders, which in turn may lead to loss of balance or fainting. A fall from a certain height (because you hang curtains while standing on a chair or on a table) may even end up in a miscarriage. Therefore, it is better to leave this job to your partner.

2. Don't carry

You are allowed to lift from one to a maximum of five kilograms. Lifting (especially sudden) a weight of a dozen or so kilograms may lead to a miscarriage. So you can't go shopping alone. When you have no one to help, make purchases in installments. If you pick up anything, do it as recommended by doctors: crouch, and then pick up with a bag, for example. Also, avoid picking up an older child. You can keep them on your lap, rock them, cuddle them, but you cannot lift them, so as not to harm the baby in the womb. If your older child has fallen asleep in your arms, do not get up to lay them down. Give the baby to her husband to transfer him to the crib. And do not make any sudden turns - they are not recommended during pregnancy.

3. Iron sitting

Ironing is not prohibited, but you must do it skillfully (especially in the second half of pregnancy when the spine is unnaturally bent by the developing baby). It is best to iron while sitting. Place the plank at your elbows so that you don't have to raise your hands up. Take a break from time to time when ironing for a long time. Get up, take a walk around the apartment.

Worth knowing

Do not vacuum while bending down - the point is not to pinch the baby's stomach. Therefore, attach the longest possible pipe to the vacuum cleaner in order not to bend over. Great for pregnant women are models that are adjustable high in the handle, and not in the button at the bottom, on the casing.

4. Don't go fast up the stairs

Not everyone has an elevator, and even if it is in your block, it must be broken sometimes. And you have to go up the stairs. It is not good for a pregnant woman. If the pregnancy is passed on, sometimes the doctor will tell you to walk up and down the stairs to induce labor contractions.You don't want this before, so avoid the steps. If you have to climb stairs, do it slowly, rest on every floor and mezzanine, and don't carry anything.

5. Hand wash only in the washbasin

You can also wash in a bowl, which you put on the washing machine or counter. Pour the water a little with a cup (do not carry the bowl of water!). Add detergent and wash standing upright. If you are washing in the bathtub, squat or kneel on the bathroom floor and wash with as little knead as possible. Ideally, someone should hang your laundry for you, clothes soaked in water are too heavy for you.

6. Clean up in installments

Forget about general cleaning. Distribute the cleaning of the apartment in installments. One day, dust off the dust, the next day to clean up the cabinets, the third to clean all mirrors … Try to make your work as easy as possible. Clean the floor with a mop, not on your knees, wipe the dust with a damp cloth so that it does not fly in the air

monthly "M jak mama"
