In hot weather, change your baby more often, because the skin burns more easily under the influence of high temperature.

The scenario is almost always the same. First, the child becomes restless and cries. When you change the diaper, you notice that the pupa is red. We talk about chafing when the redness is slight and only affects a part of the skin. However, when the erythema spreads over a larger part of the buttocks, the skin is very red, covered with pimples, it is diaper dermatitis. Both ailments cause a toddler severe pain ( although rash is milder than diaper rash). The good news is that you can protect your baby from both of these ailments by taking good care of their skin.

The most important rule

Change the nappy often, in hot weather, even every 1.5 hours - then the baby drinks more, and therefore pee a lot. Also check what's in it as often as possible. Theoretically, urine immediately soaks into the diaper, in practice it can be different, especially when you buy the cheapest diapers, which, in addition, are impermeable to air. The skin under the diaper is constantly moist and this alone can cause irritation. The risk increases when the diaper is overfilled or the baby has pooped - then the skin is additionally irritated by ammonia, which is caused by the breakdown of urine and feces by bacteria. Toddler's delicate skin will not defend itself on its own, as the protective lipid layer is still too weak.

How can I help her with this?

Clean your baby's bottom with wet wipes or a cotton swab dipped in clean, warm water, dry the skin and apply anti-chafing cream. The cream layer should not be too thick - air must reach the skin. Do not put too much powder on it, as it will quickly get wet and irritate the skin. Bathe your baby every evening, and use an olive or baby lotion after the bath - so that the skin does not dry out (too dry it is more easily irritated).

When the skin burns

You can deal with the usual chafing on your own - just wash your baby's bottom thoroughly with warm, boiled water without any washing agents that could cause stinging, and then apply a protective cream that soothes irritation. Airing the skin also helps - after changing the diaper, let the baby lie bare-bottomed on the blanket for a few minutes, for safety by placing a piece of foil under it, which in the event of an "accident"protects the mattress against dirt. If your toddler has diaper dermatitis, see your pediatrician as soon as possible. It may be necessary to use an antibiotic ointment as irritated skin is constantly in contact with bacteria in the urine and stool.

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