A baby crying is a way of communicating with the environment. Therefore, you should always respond to this signal, even if at first it is difficult to guess what the cause of the despairing scream is. Parents often do not know how to react to their baby's crying and feel completely helpless.
A baby's cryis not always the same. After a while, you will find that he cries differently when he is hungry than when he has colic. A short scream, interrupted by moments of silence, may indicate that the child is bored. Monotonous, loud crying that he is too hot or too cold or hungry. A whimpering, pathetic cry usually signals an illness. The crying at the thorns is sharp, cut off, and sounds alarming. The boy kicks with his legs and turns red on the face.
Reasons for crying
Just as there are many different reasons for a child's despair, so are the methods of calming a child. There is only one rule in common: you have to respond to every cry. Don't believe that hugging is the same as pampering. Psychologists agree that it is impossible to pamperbaby . Pediatricians also warn against leaving a cryingbabyfor a long time: he will quickly learn that his "cry" is not having any effect and that it is not important to the parents.
First, try to see what might be causing the screaming. Perhaps it is prosaic, too much time has passed since the last feeding or the diaper is wet. Also check if the child is too hot or too cold (you will know it by touching the baby's neck if he is hot and sweaty, the child needs to be undressed, while the cool one put on a sweater). If any of the above causes are involved, all you have to do is eliminate the source and that's the problem.
Worse, if at first glance everything is fine and still crying does not stop. Then take it in your arms, hold it and rock it until you feel it has calmed down. If a few minutes of cuddling are not enough and your shoulders and spine are already aching, lie on the bed with two pillows under the head and torso, then lay the baby on your stomach. Ideally, you should be able to be alone now without the company of the rest of your family, friends, neighbors or the noisy sounds of the TV. A child feeling your heartbeat and your scent for suresoon he will relax and unwind.
What else can you do, Dad?
Rock in your arms . During the nine months of pregnancy, the baby got used to gentle rocking during all the movements that mom made. This is why children love the swings so much later.
Wrap with quilt . Tightly wrapped babies calm down because it reminds them of the time when they were still in their mother's womb, limited by its small space.
Go for a walk . Fresh air and a different perspective of looking at the world can make a child forget what was wrong with him. Very often, the baby falls asleep within a few minutes, calmed down by the movements of the stroller and the cool air.
Take a bath . If your baby loves splashing in water, let him do it. Some babies stop crying immediately when placed in warm water.
Sing . Even if everyone around you says that an elephant has stepped on your ear, your child will never know it. So sing him a lullaby, maybe it will help him calm down.
Dad's role in calming the baby down
Children like it best when their mother calms them down. Sometimes, however, it is impossible, for example, when tired of night feeds, she just falls asleep. Then dad should take over. This is a great opportunity not only to prove himself as a father, but also to establish deeper emotional contact with the child. In dad's strong arms he will definitely feel different, this alone can make him stop crying, interested in a change.
monthly "M jak mama"