Inositol is a polyhydric alcohol, a glucose isomer that is an important insulin signal transducer as well as an essential element for signaling between other cells. Its significant role in the body is evidenced by the fact that it is a proven element of PCOS therapy, as well as a hope for the treatment of certain types of mental diseases.
Inositolis a polyol that has a six-carbon ring structure. It has many isomers, the best known of which is myo-inositol. It is a component of membrane phospholipids and is an extremely important component in the transmission of signals between cells.
What are the functions of inositol?
It can be said that inositol influences most of the processes taking place in the body, because without properly sent and sent signals between cells, nothing can function properly. It is helpful in neuropathy and supports the plasticity of the brain.
In addition, thanks to the support of mitochondria, it has a positive effect on the mental state. It regulates the level of hormones and has a positive effect on the work of the ovaries, which makes it readily used, for example, in the therapy of women with PCOS.
It takes part in the uptake of glucose, so it helps to regulate the insulin metabolism, and reduces the risk of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance.
What products is inositol in?
Inositol is found in grains, nuts, sprouts, fruits and vegetables, so we can provide it in our daily diet by consuming the above-mentioned foods.
However, in some clinical cases it is necessary to use higher doses. Then, inositol is given in the form of a supplement.
Inositol and insulin metabolism
Inositol plays a significant role in the regulation of insulin metabolism, as it supports glucose uptake by cells. It is also required for the creation of a relay signal for insulin.
For this reason, it can be an alternative to metformin - a drug administered in diabetes, because it has a direct impact on the target tissues of insulin. Importantly, there are no side effects like metformin.
Studies in obese PCOS patients showed that after regular inositol administration to them, they developedweight loss, and the insulin resistance index decreased. And the higher their insulin resistance was earlier, the better the effects of reducing symptoms related to hyperinsulinemia were seen.
Inositol and PCOS
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of menstrual disorders, usually associated with insulin resistance and hirsutism. Due to the excess of insulin appearing in PCOS, insulin stimulates androgens too much in this disease, which in turn disrupts the maturation of eggs.
The administration of inositol may in this case have a beneficial effect on the insulin metabolism, and thus reduce the amount of androgens secreted. In addition, inositol, by regulating the concentration of prolactin, LH or FSH, can lead to the balance of the hormonal balance in women, which will translate into a better clinical condition of women with PCOS.
Myo-inositol can be used in PCOS together with hormonal treatment, because, as the research results show, those patients who used contraceptives and inositol had better results than women who only used contraceptives.
The former had a greater decrease in androgens in the blood, had reduced symptoms of hirsutism, and improved insulin parameters and lipid metabolism.
Inositol in the treatment of depression and other mental disorders
Due to the fact that inositol plays a significant role in the transmission of signaling information between cells, it can improve the psyche of people suffering from depression. People with depression very often have a lower level of inositol, therefore it can be hypothesized that increasing this component, e.g. in the diet of these people, may improve the quality of life.
One of the studies conducted in this direction was a study carried out on 28 patients with depression. It lasted 4 weeks and was attended by people taking inositol and a placebo. After the appointed time, the improvement of the patients' he alth was examined with reference to the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale.
As the results showed, people taking inositol experienced beneficial effects of taking it, and the placebo group did not experience any positive changes.
The effect of inositol on the reduction of anxiety levels in people with agoraphobia and panic disorder was also investigated. For this purpose, 21 participants suffering from panic disorder with or without agoraphobia were administered 12 g of inositol daily.
As the study results showed, after 4 weeks, both the severity of panic attacks and the severity of agoraphobia decreased significantlythe inositol group (compared to the placebo group).
Inositol also plays a significant role in bipolar disorder, where lithium is one of the first drugs given to patients. Lithium has a number of side effects, including it leads to depression or psoriasis. Therefore, if it can be replaced by another, equally effective agent, the form of treatment changes.
Myo-inositol is an ideal substitute for lithium in bipolar disorder, as it stabilizes the mood well and is effective in treating psoriasis (e.g. caused by lithium).
Inositol - anti-cancer effect
Various experiments with inositol show that it may have significant anti-cancer effects. Mainly because it reduces the proliferation (multiplication) of cancer cells and increases the body's resistance to such an extent and supports the body with antioxidant activity that it indirectly destroys cancer cells.
Initial activities in humans show that it supports conventional chemotherapy for oncological diseases and helps to control tumor metastasis to other sites. Research into inositol in oncological diseases is still ongoing, but it is already a promising substance that may aid in cancer treatment.