A he althy lifestyle is not only about introducing fruits and vegetables to your daily diet or quitting cigarettes. A he althy lifestyle is also a preventive examination and physical activity. How do statistical Polish women care for their he alth and which doctors do they visit most often?
The average Polish woman is 165 cm tall and weighs 67.6 kg. As many as one in three isoverweight . The percentage of slim women decreases with age. Women aged 18-29 maintain a proper weight, but after the age of 60, less than one in three Polish women has the correct weight!A statistical Polish womanwould like to weigh 5 kg less.
Polish women are satisfied with their he alth
The survey conducted by 4P research mix in cooperation with the Lux Med group shows that most Polish women assess their he alth as good, including every third as very good, and every tenth as excellent. But 46 percent. ladies consider their he alth to be average. What is important for he alth? Most of us believe that personal hygiene is the key factor in maintaining good he alth, followed by diet. The next ones include refraining from smoking and drinking alcohol, getting enough sleep and having good genes. We do not really believe that preventive examinations, exercise and sex are important to staying he althy. But views on this subject vary with age.
Do women abuse drugs?
The youngest women focus on physical activity, 30-year-olds emphasize the role of genes, and women over 60 recognize the importance of preventive examinations and the environment in which they live. The Polish woman eagerly reaches for preparations available at a pharmacy without a prescription. She accepts them herself, gives them to her partner and children. One in three Poles also regularly takes prescription-only medications. In the case of young women, these are usually contraceptives, and in the case of older women - medications taken for chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Women also take painkillers much more often than men.
What do Polish women suffer most from
Ailments that make everyday life difficult include headache and migraine. More than half of Polish women suffer from it. Headaches are most often complained of by 30-year-olds (61%), residents of large cities. They also suffer from upper diseases more often than othersrespiratory tract. As much as 17 percent. of women aged 30-60 admit that they live in constant tension. Stress and insomnia most often affect women from large cities and with higher education. Sociologists explain this with a greater burden and overwork. Research also confirms that most of us neglect the role of active rest in relieving stress. We forget that it can accumulate and manifest itself in the form of migraines, insomnia, and back pain. Polish women generally hear well - only 3 percent. uses hearing aids. But almost half wear glasses or contact lenses. Glass is worn by about 15% of 18-year-olds and as many as three out of four ladies in their fifties. Research conducted by CBOS shows that last year every fourth Polish woman before the age of 49 visited the dentist, every fifth 50-year-old and every tenth woman over 60. Rare visits to the dentist are usually explained by the high cost of treatment.
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