The fact that smoking is harmful to us is nothing new. Until now, however, the main emphasis was on lung and heart diseases as those most often caused by smoking. Smoking also has a negative effect on our teeth.
Smokingnot only results inbad breathorenamel discoloration .Addictiontobacco is also conducive to various periodontal diseases, the most common of which is periodontitis. According to epidemiologists' estimates, one in three Europeans suffer from periodontitis and gum disease. And although at the beginning of addiction you may not have problems with your teeth, diseases from the peridontopathy group, because that's what they are professionally called, usually attack after the age of 50.
Tooth smoker is the norm
According to the research of prof. of Jasim Albandar of Temple University, smokers, on average, are three times more likely to suffer from oral disorders than non-smokers. As a result, their teeth fall out more frequently. The professor counted the losses of current and ex-smokers, and then compared the results with those obtained by tobacco abstainers. People aged 20-70 were examined. He also included abstainers who had smoked for less than 10 years. What conclusions did the scientist come to? Heavy smokers, on average, lacked 5 teeth, ex-smokers had 4 cavities, and non-smokers only had 3. - Until now, we have associated cigarette smoking with other diseases, possibly with bad breath or discoloration of the enamel. Now we can see clearly that smoking increases the risk of tooth loss - comments Dr. Mariusz Duda, MD, president of the Polish Implantology Association, owner of Duda Clinic, comments. Why is it that smokers lose their teeth more often than non-smokers? - The simplest answer is that there are simply no drugs that will eliminate the causes of periodontitis or other periodontal diseases. Dentist-led therapies only relieve or remove symptoms. The only salvation from these diseases is prophylaxis and a proper diet rich in proteins, vitamins or minerals and low in sugar - explains Dr. Duda.
Caries, tartar and dragon's breath
Tar substances, tobacco or carbon monoxide, i.e. substances contained in cigarettes or created during smokingaffect both the he alth and aesthetics of our teeth. - In smokers, tartar builds up much faster, which later adversely affects the gums, long-term inflammation occurs, the gums bleed. In addition, discoloration of the tooth enamel is also formed, which is extremely difficult to remove, because they are not only on the surface, but also in the surface layers of the tooth enamel. Let us also not forget that the products of tobacco combustion are carcinogenic hydrocarbons. The risk of lip or tongue cancer in smokers is three times higher than in non-smokers, and the risk of mouth cancer is eighteen times higher - warns Dr. Mariusz Duda. Smoking also has a negative impact on the well-being of the smoker. Despite proper oral hygiene, it is very often unable to combat unpleasant breath from the mouth (which is often the result of inflammation of the mucous membranes), has a reduced taste sensation, the smoker mucous membranes are much more susceptible to injuries, erosions and ulcers are more frequent. . There is also discomfort from the tongue. The feeling of burning, burning, excessive dryness and even pain can be extremely troublesome for a smoker on a daily basis.
Effective ways to quit smoking
Implant doesn't like a cigarette too
Is it possible to fill the missing teeth of smokers with implants? It is possible to carry out such an operation, but it is more difficult than in non-smokers. - In smokers, all procedures related to bone reconstruction, such as, for example, dilation of the alveolar ridge before implantation, sinus lifting or bone reconstruction with immediate implantation, have a higher degree of risk compared to such procedures in non-smokers. Scientific data show that, taking into account the 10-year period of implant use, the risk of implant rejection in smokers is 10% higher, says Dr. Mariusz Duda. The dentist also recommends that you do not smoke cigarettes for at least 2-3 weeks immediately after the implant surgery. - For many of my patients, the implantation procedure has become an excellent opportunity to quit smoking, and it is definitely better to quit smoking before inserting the first implant than after the first heart attack - advises the doctor.
Electronic cigarette no better
Many smokers believe that the remedy for all the side effects of smoking is… an electronic cigarette. According to dentists, however, even by smoking an e-cigarette, we will not protect ourselves against the negative effects of tobacco addiction. - Smoking causes a deficiency of vitamin C in the body, which causes the fragility of the enamel and changes in the pulp of the tooth, making our teeth more susceptible to decay.And although electronic cigarettes do not contain tar substances that discolor teeth, they do contain a number of other substances that can adversely affect the he alth of our teeth and mucous membranes in the mouth - warns the dentist. Electronic cigarettes contain diethylene glycol, which is a popular component of anti-freeze preparations. It is a very harmful substance for the respiratory system. Other substances that contain in their composition, for example, nitrosamine or tetramethylpyrazine. They are very toxic and carcinogenic substances, especially the latter, which can also cause brain damage. Additionally, in electronic cigarettes, liquid nicotine is used. If you inhale slowly, liquid nicotine can enter your mouth and cause harm.
It's best to quit the addiction
The best way to avoid these problems is to quit. Many people, however, hide themselves from a lack of willpower or lack of motivation. As it turns out, the latter can be provided by… a calendar. May 31 is the Day without a cigarette. - It is worth treating this day as an excuse to divorce a cigarette. It neither adds charm nor he alth to us. And certainly a cigarette can be destructive for everyone, even the most dazzling smile. It is true that the effects of addiction are not immediately visible, but they will certainly hit us after many years.