Successful treatment of colorectal cancer is a significant issue. Each year, 1.2 million people worldwide suffer from colorectal cancer, of which as much as 60 percent. in highly developed countries. Worryingly, Poland has the highest dynamics in the number of colorectal cancer cases in all of Europe. Only in the Mazowieckie voivodship over 15,000 have died from colorectal cancer in the last 11 years. people.
Colorectal canceris a malignant growth of cells in the mucosa of the colon or rectum. Usually,cancerdevelops from benign lesions called adenomas, which in the initial stages take the form of polyps. In most cases, polyps don't cause any symptoms. Undetected and undetected polypoid lesions can turn into cancer over time.
Colorectal cancer can be treated at home: oral chemotherapy
The basic method of treatment is resection, i.e. surgical removal of the tumor. The other methods of treating cancer are chemotherapy and radiation, or radiation therapy. For over 10 years, one of the methods of treating colorectal cancer available in Poland is also the so-calledoral chemotherapy .
Thanks to this form of chemotherapy, patients who are ill spend up to 85% of their visits to the doctor and hospital. less time. They can take the drug at home, while being under the constant supervision of an oncologist. Oral chemotherapy also reduces a number of inconveniences caused not only by the course of the disease, but also by frequent hospitalizations associated with the need to undergo regular intravenous chemotherapy.
Advantages of Oral Chemotherapy
- Treatment at home also helps to avoid the stress of hospitalization, waiting for tests or standing in lines.Oral chemotherapyallows the patient to undergo one of the most difficult phases of therapy in a familiar environment and among loved ones. Importantly, treatment at home requires much less frequent visits to the hospital, without exposing the patient's weakened organism to additional risks. The presence and support of family members often gives patients the strength to fight the disease, helping them to set goals for therapy and maintain a positive attitude - says Elżbieta Płońowska, psychologist and psychotherapist from the Cancer Center.Institute of Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie in Warsaw.
The benefits for patients resulting from the use of oral chemotherapy are also indicated by oncologists.
- From the physician's point of view, the possibility of oral treatment is an extremely valuable therapy option and should be used in all situations where we have an effective and low-toxic form of oral treatment. In my opinion, the use of oral therapy significantly improves the patient's treatment comfort, reducing the need for hospitalization. Undoubtedly, the costs of oral treatment are also lower, which in the era of constant difficulties with financing treatment procedures is of considerable importance in our country, explains Agnieszka Jagiełło-Gruszfeld, MD, PhD from the Oncology Center-Institute. Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie in Warsaw.
See what you should know about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer
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