Don't wait for an invitation. We publish a list of places where you can get a breast cancer diagnosis for free. Make a prophylactic breast examination - mammography. Mammography is effective, it detects cancer in the first stage of development.

Free mammography tests can be performed by all women aged 50-69 who have not had a mammogram in the last two years. The tests are performed as part of the Population Breast Cancer Early Detection Program and are reimbursed by the National He alth Fund.

It is worth taking advantage of this free option and examining your breasts.

Where can breasts be examined for free?

On the website, in the "Mammobusy" tab, the list of places where mammobiles come (special vehicles with equipment for mammography tests, changing rooms, registration and waiting rooms) is constantly updated.

Thanks to this, you can perform this specialized test in your city.

A questionnaire is completed before the survey. Test results will be sent to the address provided within two weeks.

If you do not qualify for a free mammogram, you can do it for a fee (the price is PLN 80-100).

What is a mammogram?

The test is an x-ray examination of the breast that detects breast cancer at an early stage of development. The test is non-invasive and should not be feared. The number of rays used for one examination is equivalent to the beam of rays necessary to x-ray the tooth.

How do you detect breast cancer?

How does a mammogram look like?

The study requires virtually no preparation. However, it is recommended that you do not use any deodorants, talcum powder or antiperspirants that day, and it is also good to come in two-piece clothes, because you will have to undress to the waist.

The breast is placed on a plastic stand, pressed from the top and side to get two images. The pressure lasts only a few seconds and is painless.
