Exercises for oblique abdominals (abdominal oblique muscles) involve doing various types of side torsion and twists. They are more difficult than regular crunches, but a properly selected training plan will help you quickly get your muscles used to more intense exercise. Learn 8 effective miter exercises that you can do at home.
Slanting exercisesis a mandatory training point for a strong, modeled belly. They engageoblique muscles , which are largely responsible for the appearance of the waist and waist area. It is the well-trained slants that guarantee the "flatness" effect of the abdomen, which is often dreamed of by people struggling with the tire.
What is important, however - exercises for the oblique muscles alone will not make you burn belly fat. You need to combine them with a proper diet and exercises that will boost your metabolism - moderate cardio training (for beginners) and interval training (for more experienced ones) are best for this purpose. Then the slanting exercises will only be a supplement, but very important, because they will help to tone and sculpt the abdomen. Thanks to this, you will avoid the effect of sagging skin after slimming.
Check out the 8 best slanting exercises that will help you shape your belly and waist.
Diagonal exercises: 1. Raising the hips diagonally
This exercise is very safe, recommended for people with back problems.
Lie on your back. Place your hands under your buttocks or lay them flat on the ground. Bend your legs slightly at the knees. While exhaling, lift your legs and hips up, twisting your torso to the right (or to the left). Inhale, slowly lower your hips to the floor (diagonally). Breathe out and lift your hips up again, this time rotating your torso the other way. Repeat 10 times alternately in one set.
Diagonal exercises: 2. Bike
This exercise is technically simple, but it involves the oblique abdominals very heavily, so it can be tiring at first.
Assume a supine position. Place your hands behind the back of the head, but do not intertwine. Extend your elbows as far to the sides as possible. Bend your legs at the knees and lift them off the ground. On the exhale, make a short circuit bringing your elbow closer to the opposite knee. Then lower your leg and torso (but don't put it down completely!) And bring your other elbow closer to the opposite knee. Repeat at a steady, fairly fast pace, once in a whileto the other side, remembering to breathe. Do a total of 12 repetitions.
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Diagonal exercises: 3. Plank sideways
A simple modification of the traditional plank, thanks to which this exercise takes on completely new properties.
Assume a regular plank position, resting on your forearms. Lift your left (or right) leg and arm off the ground and walk to the support sideways. Remember that the legs, torso and head should be in one line. Feet are to be joined together, you can lift the other hand vertically upwards or rest it on your hip. Keep your abdomen constantly tense, don't hold your breath. Try to stay in this position for half a minute, and then change sides (more advanced ones 1-3 minutes).
This will be useful to youSkew exercises (oblique abdominals) - training plan
The exercises are arranged in order from easiest to hardest. You can make them at home without any additional tools.
If you are a beginner, do the exercises for the first 2 weeks only as many times as indicated in the descriptions. From the 3rd week on, repeat the entire training twice (i.e. 2 series of all exercises). From week 4, increase the number of repetitions in half and the number of sets to 3. Take 10-15 seconds between exercises and 2-minute rest between sets. Train every other day 3 times a week.
Diagonal exercises: 4. Russian twist
Probably the best stomach exercise. It works on straight, oblique and transverse muscles, and at the same time improves the stability of the torso.
Sit on the floor, bend your knees, rest your feet on the floor. Straighten your back and lean back slightly. Extend your arms straight in front of you and twist your torso right and left. Keep your back straight and your stomach tucked in at all times. To make it difficult, take an object in your hands - it can be a weight, medicine ball, kettle bell, etc. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Diagonal exercises: 5. Side clashes in the plank
To make the plank even more influencing the oblique muscles, add sideways ties to it.
Stay in the position from the previous exercise. Inhale, lower your hips down towards the ground, but do not put them down completely. As you exhale, dynamically pull your hips align with your legs and torso. Repeat the exercise while breathing. Do 10 repetitions on each side.
Diagonal exercises: 6. Diagonal climbing (mountain climbers)
Thanks to this exerciseyou will not only shape your stomach, but also improve your condition.
Move to the support with the front on straight arms. Lift your knees off the ground, stay on your toes. Breathe out and pull your knee under your chest towards the opposite shoulder. Inhale, put your foot down and pull up the other knee diagonally. Repeat alternately at a fast pace - then right leg, then left leg. Repeat 20 times.
Diagonal exercises: 7. Side crunches
Side crunches are not easy - the first repetitions may be problematic, but with each subsequent repetition you will gain experience.
Lie sideways on the floor - place your lower hand flat on the floor in front of you and put the other hand behind your head. Bring your legs together and bend your knees slightly. While doing a lateral tension, lift both legs and torso at the same time, trying to touch your elbow to the knee. If this variant is too difficult for you, lift only one leg up and leave the other on the floor. Repeat 10 times on each side.
Diagonal exercises: 8. Spiderman pump
The usual pump should be enriched with pulling the knee to the side - a slight change, but it will allow you to engage the oblique muscles more to work.
Take a position like a classic push-up. Bending your arms, lower your torso and, as you go down, bring your knee sideways towards the elbow. Put your leg down and get up. Do a second push-up and this time pull the other knee to your side. Take turns practicing. Women: 10 push-ups per set, men 20.
Check out: 22 types of push-ups for different muscle groups