Hair well nourished from the inside will become smooth and shiny, and nails strong and hard. Lotions, conditioners and treatments won't do much if we don't take care of a proper diet rich in zinc, iron and selenium. Therefore, remember, if you want your hair and nails to be in good condition, avoid stimulants, junk food, vegetables that are cooked for too long and give up draconian diets.

Living in a constant hurry and stress,dietleaving much to be desired. Every day the same anything on the plate. Nutritional errors over a longer period of time affect the condition ofhairandnails . Why? In the hair and nails, apart from protein, also minerals accumulate. You will find here, for example, several times more zinc and copper than in blood. When the body lacks a mineral, it takes it away from those "zones" that are not essential for survival, such as hair and nails. That is why they start to break, they are weak and dull.

Frequent slimming weakens hair and nails

Protein deficiencies often occur in people who use radical slimming treatments (based only on vegetables and fruits) and exhausting long-term fasts. If you don't eat the right amount of dairy, eggs, fish, meat and grains, the body loses the sulfuric amino acids methionine and cystine. They provide the sulfur needed to produce keratin (the protein from which hair and nails are made). Sulfur acts as an adhesive that holds the keratin bricks firmly together. If it is missing, the hair becomes weak and falls out. Nails break, and white stripes appear on the nail plates.

Don't do that


  • Strong coffee, tea, alcohol and spicy spices.
  • French fries, hot dogs, hamburgers - they contain a lot of animal fats.
  • Sugar, sweets, excess wheat bread made of refined flour and some fruits: bananas, grapes. They provide a lot of simple sugars, which causes greasy hair, disorders in the work of the hair follicles and dandruff.
  • Sorrel, spinach, beetroot and rhubarb are also not recommended, because they contain oxalates that interfere with the absorption of calcium.

Iron deficiency makes hair and nails brittle

Protein deficiencies are usually accompanied by an iron deficiency. It can be caused by too little of the mineral in the diet ordisturbance of its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, but also frequent drinking of strong coffee and tea. Caffeine hinders the absorption of iron, as well as calcium and zinc. Theophylline and theobromine in tea, chocolate, cocoa and carbonated cola drinks have a similar effect. Iron deficiency is very common in pregnant women and nursing mothers. But it can also be caused by heavy bleeding during menstruation. When this element is not enough, the hair becomes thin and brittle, and the nails become pale, with a characteristic hollow inside.

Solar radiation damages the fatty covers of the hair

He althy hair is covered with a tight sheath that protects it against excessive drying and mechanical damage. Unfortunately, this barrier is not enough in summer. Solar radiation damages the fatty covers of the hair, the natural water-fat balance is disturbed, and keratin is also destroyed. The hair becomes brittle, less flexible and fraying at the ends. To avoid this, your menu should include products that are a source of vitamins A and E and selenium. Vitamin A accelerates cell regeneration and rebuilds damaged keratin. Vitamin E dilates the blood vessels that nourish the hair and protects it from damage. Selenium works with vitamin E to prevent skin aging.

If you want beautiful hair and nails, avoid fast food

Eating highly processed products also harms your hair. They contain a lot of fat, which makes it difficult to absorb zinc. They also do not provide the right amount of copper - necessary for the proper functioning of connective tissue, and zinc - needed for the transformation of proteins and amino acids. Long-term zinc deficiency causes inhibition of hair growth, then hair thinning, and finally excessive hair loss. Copper deficiency weakens their structure and reduces their elasticity. Moreover, as a result of a copper shortage, the iron economy is disturbed, which makes the situation even worse.

You must do it


  • Meat, poultry, fish and seafood, and eggs - contain methionine and cystine. Also, eat oatmeal and wheat bran. They provide a lot of cystine, as well as iron, zinc and copper.
  • Cereal products are recommended: whole and wholemeal bread, paddy rice, coarse grain groats, wholemeal pasta - they contain a lot of vitamin B1 .
  • Enrich the menu with sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, wheat germ, nuts - they have a lot of vitamin B6and B5as well as H and E.
  • Eat dairy and dried fruit every day. These are good sources for strengthening your nailscalcium.
  • Lettuce, broccoli, kale, tomatoes, peppers, parsley, dill, peaches and melon are rich sources of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.
  • Carrots, parsley, celery or red beets provide a lot of silicon necessary for nails.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day, preferably still mineral water, which detoxifies the body.
  • Drink fruit and vegetable juices, especially tomato juices. The potassium contained in them regulates the water balance and strengthens the nails.

Vitamins - extremely important for the condition of hair and nails

B vitamins are extremely important for the condition of hair and nails, e.g. B1(thiamine), B5(pantothenic acid) , B6(pyridoxine), and vitamin H (biotin). They facilitate the absorption and transformation of proteins and amino acids, and support the nourishment of hair and nail cells. They also prevent seborrhea. B vitamins dissolve in water and are sensitive to high temperatures. Therefore, if you soak vegetables for too long and boil them in a lot of water, you increase the loss of these vitamins. Then the hair becomes brittle and the nails are thin, too convex, with clear furrows on the plate.

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