The Historical Picnic was held on May 27 this year. in the clearing in Lipków in the commune of Stare Babice. "The duel of Jurko Bohun with Mr. Michał Wołodyjowski" came to see whole families.
For one day a year, the clearing in Lipków becomes a historical spectacle, recreating the scenery and atmosphere of events from years ago. The place of the picnic is not accidental, because it was here, in a clearing in Lipków, that Henryk Sienkiewicz set up the action of the famous duel between Jurko Bohun and the name of Mr. Michał Wołodyjowski, written on the pages of the "Trilogy".
The beautiful May weather meant that many visitors appeared in the place of the famous fictional duel, for whom many historical and literary attractions awaited, such as old crafts workshops: incl. in calligraphy, blacksmithing, pottery and weaving, thanks to which each participant of the event could play the role of old craftsmen and test their skills. Thanks to the reconstruction groups who came to Lipków, the guests visited the historical camps of the Cossack, Polish and Swedish armies, thus being able to learn about the old weapons, armor, customs, costumes from the epoch and listen to stories from the fictional years.
The reading by pupils from the School and Education Center for Blind Children named after Róża Czacka in Laski and by the Hurragram Theater Group, which operates at the Nowodworski Cultural Center of fragments of Henryk Sienkiewicz's novel "With Fire and Sword". The demonstrations of horse warriors of the Hussar banner presented by the Hussar Banner of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship also aroused great interest in the participants. However, the most exciting point of the event, which all the gathered participants waited for, was the staging of "The Duel of Lieutenant Colonel Cossack Jurko Bohun with Mr. Michał Wołodyjowski", in which Bohun's sword is reached by Wołodyjowski.
The Historical Picnic in Lipków is an extraordinary lesson in Polish history, culture and literature taking place in the bosom of nature on the edge of the Kampinos Forest. The next, 3rd edition of the Picnic will be available in a year.