If you want to be he althy or lose weight, that is, to cure overweight or obesity, you have to change your diet for many years. No short diet will help. However, in order to eat he althy, you need to know how to wisely buy food products. After all, you eat what you buy. How to shop to eat he althy and get rid of extra pounds?
He althy shoppingissmart shopping.The choice of product from the store shelf or stall at the bazaar depends on your choice diet,that iseating . You decide for yourself, your children, and often other family members, whether you eat foods rich innutrients , or those full of " empty calories". We advise on how to shop in accordance with the principles ofhe althy eating . What exactly cereal, dairy, meat and confectionery products as well as vegetables and fruits should be in your he althy shopping basket?
This will be useful to youNever shop when hungry.Hunger will make you buy more products than you need, most of which will be redundant. Additionally, to satisfy your hunger you will have a quick snack in the store or on the way home. Do not kid yourself. Then you will not reach for fruit chips, but for something that will make you feel full right away, i.e. a high-calorie snack, a sweet roll or a fast food dish. Also, be careful about your appetite, which is a sudden urge to eat something under the influence of a tasty smell, a beautiful appearance, or a memory of a taste. Do not get caught in the trap of hunger and appetite - make a shopping list in advance, after carefully examining the inventory and when you are full.
How to he althily kill hunger? Check it out!
He althy shopping: what to buy cereal products?
Grain products recommended:
- Bread: rye, whole grain, crispy rye and whole grain, rice wafers (without s alt), pumpernickel bread.
- Breakfast products: oat, wheat, spelled, rye, corn (no sugar) cereals, whole grain flakes, wheat and oat bran.
- Other products: rye pasta, brown / wild / red rice, buckwheat, barley, millet
Buy smaller quantities:
- Bread: wholemeal and wholemeal, soybean, sunflower, graham, bread and rolls with cereal grains.
- Breakfast products: muesli with dried fruit, raisins and nuts.
- Other: wholemeal and whole grain pasta, white basmati rice.
Try to avoid:
- Bread: white wheat.
- Confectionery bread: sweet rolls, croissants, buns, blueberries.
- Breakfast products: chocolate, honey, cinnamon flakes.
Do not stock up on purchases and do not be tempted by promotions.No matter how much you promise yourself to stick to the amount you eat, the more you buy, the more you eat. This additional supply of food, often with a short shelf life, because it is on the "attractive promotion" and you and your family will eat it so that "nothing is wasted". So always buy products in small quantities for one or two days. When reaching into the refrigerator or pantry, choose products according to the dates on which they can be eaten. By buying more often and less, you will always have the right amount of fresh produce.
He althy shopping: what vegetables to buy?
Buy for he alth!
- Leafy vegetables (ß-carotene) - head lettuce, iceberg lettuce, arugula, lamb's lettuce, as well as chicory, spinach, chard.
- Root vegetables - carrot (ß- carotene) - parsley, celery, beetroot.
- Climbing vegetables - green beans (ß- carotene).
- Cruciferous vegetables (Vit. C) - broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kohlrabi, white, red, Italian and Beijing cabbage.
- Nightshade vegetables (Vit. C) - tomato, pepper (ß-carotene), new potatoes.
- Pumpkin vegetables - cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin (ß-carotene).
- Onion vegetables - chives (ß-carotene and Vit. C) onion, garlic, leek
- Turnip vegetables - radish, radish, turnips.
- Sour vegetables - cucumbers, cabbage.
- Frozen vegetables.
- Parsley (ß-carotene and Vit. C), dill, sprouts.
Buy in smaller quantities: late potatoes, corn, peas and peas, lentils, soybeans, broad beans. Try to avoid:
- Processed vegetables, e.g. in vinegar.
- Vegetable soups seasoned with cream.
- Vegetable salads with mayonnaise.
He althy shopping: what fruit to buy?
Buy for he alth!
- Most fresh fruits: apples, pears, plums, cherries, watermelon, melon.
- Fruits rich in vitamin C: oranges, grapefruits, lemons, mandarins, kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, gooseberries, currants.
- Fruits rich in ß-carotene: peaches, apricots.
- Frozen fruit.
Buy smaller quantities:
- Some fruits: bananas, grapes, cherries, avocados, olives.
- Dried fruits: figs, dates, bananas, apricots, apples etc.
- Nuts: hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, etc.
- Seeds: sunflower, pumpkin.
Try to avoid: Processed fruits: in vinegar, candied, in sweet syrup.
He althy shopping: what to buy dairy products?
Buy for he alth!
- Milk and milk drinks: skim milk 2%, 1.5%, 0.5%, sour milk, kefir, buttermilk, natural, Balkan, Greek yoghurts.
- Cheeses: lean curd cheese, light grainy cheese, feta light, camembert light.
Buy smaller quantities:
- Milk and milk drinks: fatty milk 3.5%, 3.2%, cream 18%, 12%, 10%, fruit yoghurts.
- Cheeses: yellow, feta, mozzarella, camembert and brie.
Try to avoid:
- Milk and milk drinks: condensed milk, cream cream 30%, creamy milk drinks.
- Cheese: homogenized, creamy and creamy, milk desserts.
- Cheeses: processed, mold.
Choose fresh products and read product labels carefully.Check the expiry date, calorific value, fat, sugar and preservatives content of the products you buy, especially those you buy for the first time. Remember that the number of calories always applies to 100 g of the product, not the entire package. Choose products that are as fresh as possible, the least processed, and that have as little fat and sugar as possible, and as much fiber, vitamins and minerals as possible. Make sure that the selected products do not contain glucose-fructose syrup and artificial preservatives, including sodium benzoate, as well as as little s alt and sugar as possible.
He althy shopping: meat, poultry, fish - what to buy?
Buy for he alth!
- Lean meats: veal, beef - sirloin, roast beef.
- Lean poultry: chicken breast, turkey, skinless thighs.
- Lean fish: pikeperch, pike, cod, pollock, tuna.
- Lean meats: sirloin, pork loin, beef ham, poultry meats.
Buy with smaller quantities:
- Meat: beef - cutlets, brisket, pork - ham, pork loin, offal - liver, kidneys.
- Poultry: chicken and turkey wings.
- Fish: herring, salmon, mackerel, carp, smoked fish and in oil.
- Cold cuts: ham, pork ham, chicken sausages, chicken sausages.
Try to avoid:
- Fatty meats: pork - bacon, knuckle, ribs, neck, shoulder.
- Fat poultry:duck, goose, poultry with skin.
- Fatty fish: smoked eel, halibut, breaded fish fingers.
- Fatty meats: kabanos sausages, salami, sausages, frankfurters, pates, brawn.
- Canned meat and fish.
He althy shopping: what fats to buy?
Buy for he alth!
- For salads: vegetable oils - sunflower, soybean, corn, grape seed, olive oil, linseed oil.
- For frying: rapeseed oil, olive oil, rice oil, coconut oil, clarified butter.
Buy smaller quantities:
- For spreading: cream butter, extra.
- For baking: reduced fat margarines and fat mixes.
- Mayonnaise: light and yoghurt.
Try to avoid: heavy cream 30%, lard, lard, mayonnaise, ready-made sauces.
This will be useful to youPlan your shopping list.Thanks to the list you will not buy unnecessary, high-calorie products, those that you have a "sudden urge" for, and in the store you will not waste time wondering what is needed and what is not. Remember - what you don't buy, you won't eat it.
He althy shopping: what to buy confectionery products?
Buy smaller quantities:
- Instead of sugar - natural sweeteners (stevia, erythritol), birch sugar, molasses, low-sugar jams, natural honey.
- Cakes: yeast, fruit, bran, raisin and nut cakes.
- Chocolate over 70% cocoa.
Try to avoid:
- Sugar, high-sweetened jams.
- Chocolate products and chocolate.
- Puff pastry and shortbread, cakes with sugar and chocolate.
- Cream and chocolate cakes.
He althy shopping: what drinks to buy?
Buy for he alth!
- Mineral waters: carbonated and still.
- Fresh fruit juices: oranges, grapefruits, apples.
- Fresh vegetable juices: daily (e.g. carrot), tomato, multi-vegetable juices.
- Teas: herbal (e.g. nettle) and fruit teas, green.
Try to avoid:
- Flavored mineral waters: lemon, strawberry, apple etc.
- Sweetened juices, nectars, fruit drinks.
- Carbonated sweetened drinks.
- Alcohol.
Poradnikzdrowie.pl supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.
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OD-WAGA Foundation