One of the easiest methods of food preservation is freezing. It does not require the use of preservatives and minimizes the loss of vitamins and minerals. How to make frozen meals at home and how to defrost food so that it is tasty and does not lose its nutritional value?
Do you know how to freeze vegetables and fruits to fully preserve their nutritional value?
Which fruits and vegetables are suitable for freezing?
Allfruitsandvegetablesthat you want to freeze must be ripe, undamaged and above all fresh. As time passes, they lose their nutritional properties, so start thefreezingprocess right after you bring them home. The exception are root vegetables, which can be stored a little longer - in a cool room (cellar, pantry) at a temperature of 6-8 ° C.
Freezing food correctly
- Wash the products intended for freezing thoroughly, bearing in mind that long soaking in water causes a loss of vitamins. For the vegetables to fully retain their flavor and aroma, put them in boiling water for a while, then rinse with cold water (blanching). Such pre-treatment causes little loss of vitamins, but thanks to these treatments the vegetables retain their intense color, the right hardness and they cook for a shorter time - says Paweł Szarek, quality representative at Fritar. Most vegetables are blanched, in particular green and yellow string beans. , corn grains, green sugar snap peas, carrots, parsley, celery, beets, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli. Some of the vegetables, such as cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, onions, leeks and courgettes do not require blanching, just like fruit, which only needs to be washed and dried before freezing. If you want to keep the full taste, shape and nutritional value of frozen food, pack them in tightly sealed packages, from which you have previously removed the air (by squeezing them with your hand or using vacuum packaging devices), remembering that they are not too compressed, which will prevent them from lumping together. Small vegetables and fruits (peas, wild strawberries, blueberries, etc.) initially freeze on a tray, and then add them to the bags. To prevent the formation of ice, the packed goods should be subjected to intensive freezing, setting the temperature in the freezer as low as possible, at least initially. In progressfreezing, it is also worth paying attention to the appropriate arrangement of products on the shelves. Put the ones you intend to use regularly in the top drawer - put the food you want to keep until the end of winter at the bottom. You can use fruit mousses in winter to make jellies, as filling for cakes and pancakes, and as an ingredient in sauces or creams.
Defrosting food
Put the products to defrost on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator or in a cool place. - The slower the defrosting process is, the tastier the products will be after defrosting - instructs Paweł Szarek. - Take the fruit out of the freezer a few hours earlier and leave it on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator or at room temperature. Put the vegetables in a frying pan or pot right out of the freezer. An alternative to traditional methods is, of course, a microwave oven, thanks to which everything is defrosted instantly. However, its use causes a significant loss of vitamins and minerals, which significantly reduces the nutritional value of dishes.