Cloudy apple juices prevent cancer and aging, and support overall immunity. No clear juice has these properties. Therefore, a prophylactically adult person should drink one or two glasses of apple juice a day, necessarily cloudy, not clear.
The originator and main author of the research was prof. Jan Oszmiański, head of the Department of Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Technology at the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław. He found that cloudyapple juices contain four times more beneficial polyphenols (mainly flavonoids), which in humans have strong anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and antiallergic properties.
Comparing cloudy apple juice with clear one
Wrocław scientists compared two types of juices withapples- plain and clear, and nectar with a high flesh content. It turned out thatapple juicecloudy showed five times greater ability to scavenge free radicals. - That is why I believe that a prophylactic adult should drink one or two glasses of such juice a day - summarizes prof. Oszmianski. Apples, thanks to the content of numerous biologically active compounds, show high antitumor and antioxidant activity and lower the level of cholesterol in the body (as a result of its binding by fiber). Research has shown that consuming 100 grams of apples a day by almost 50 percent. reduces the risk of a heart attack in men. These fruits, as well as their preserves, also reduce the risk of asthma, diabetes and obesity.
What can you drink in the heat?
An adult should drink a glass of cloudy apple juice a day
Drinking 700 ml of cloudy apple juice increases by 52%. the body's antioxidant potential increases. - Unfortunately, clear apple preserves are almost completely devoid of pectins, vitamin C and over 90 percent of polyphenolic compounds, and thus show low antioxidant activity - explains Prof. Oszmianski. An alternative to clarified juices are cloudy juices. Their production takes place without enzymatic treatment, clarification and filtration, thanks to which they contain much more bioactive polyphenols. In Western Europe and the USA, interest in cloudy drinks has been growing for several years. 20-25 percent in Germany, and even 80 in Japanpercent of all apple preserves are consumed in the form of naturally cloudy juices.
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