We invite fans of cross-country skis and Nordic walking! On January 20, 2022, the West Warsaw Poviat together with the Julinek Amusement Park, the Leszno Commune and the Kampinos National Park will organize the 1863 January Insurgents Trail Rally.

We invite all fans of winter sports, especially cross-country skiing, to participate in the ski rally organized to commemorate the anniversary of the January Uprising.

Rally commemorating the Uprising

This year marks 156 years since the events that had a great impact on the future of Poland. The January Uprising began on January 22, 1863. Over a thousand skirmishes were fought in the fourteen-month-long fight, in which many people died, and the uprising ended in a defeat for the Poles. This uprising was the longest-lasting and most massive independence movement in the 19th century.

The January Insurgents Trail Rally is recreational in nature. There is no element of competition in it. In this year's edition, we invite cross-country skiers and Nordic walking enthusiasts.

In Kampinos

As in previous editions, this year the organizers have set the same route, i.e. two 5.5 km loops. The whole route will run along the tourist routes of the Kampinos National Park, starting in the Julinek Amusement Park.

Participation in the rally is free. Limited number of places - up to 300 people (the organizer provides for 200 people on cross-country skis, 100 people in Nordic walking). After the sports struggle, a bonfire and a warm snack await the participants.

The program also includes historical shows of the reconstruction group from the January Uprising. The organizer, i.e. the Warsaw West Poviat, provides the possibility of free rental of 100 sets of skis and boots after prior equipment reservation (the order of applications decides). After prior registration, you can also take part in the rally with your own ski equipment or rent equipment for a fee, by writing to [email protected] .

Registration is open until January 16 at 12:00. In the absence of snow, the rally will turn into a Nordic walking march. All information can be found at www.pwz.pl.
