Over 55,000 donuts, or the equivalent of 24,805,270 kilocalories, have so far been burned by guests riding at the National Winter Ice Rinks! Ice skating, curling or going down an iceberg - it's a good opportunity to have fun, but also an opportunity to improve your condition and body shape.
One of the frequent New Year's resolutions that we make for ourselves is losing unnecessary kilograms. It is high time to start implementing them. And it doesn't have to mean difficult and arduous exercise. The attractions of the National Winter Festival offer many opportunities for effective and pleasant burning of calories. Skating on the ice rink, downhill skiing, curling, disco ice rink, fitness skating with MultiSport or skatepark skating combine physical activity with entertainment.
Fit skates
"Skating fitness with MultiSport is an activity for teenagers and adults during which we build muscles, improve condition, develop movement aesthetics, i.e. we care for our physical and mental he alth," says Renata Aleksander, figure skating coach from Ice & Fun school, coordinating skating fitness classes with MultiSport at the Winter National Stadium.
"If we want to burn calories after holiday, instead of exercising alone in the gym, I suggest gathering a group of friends or family and combine business with pleasure while skating on the ice. During the 75-minute slot, we can burn up to 600 - 800 kcal! It is also a great alternative for young people who are often looking for an idea how to spend their free time in winter "- she added.
25 million kilocalories
On the MultiSport counter at the ice rinks, the number of calories burned increases every day, which can be seen as more people visit the ice rink to get back in shape while skating after a bit of a lazy holiday. So far, the guests have already burned almost 25 million calories, or over 55,000 donuts, while skating.
You can also burn calories by using the attractions in the MultiSport Lab tent. Endurance exercises and those in the virtual world (VR) are just a few ideas on how to actively spend time with the whole family. Here you can also measure your body composition or get advice from nutritionists and experts in physical activity.
Children's mornings
The youngest skaters during the "Mornings for children from PGE Energia Ciepła" can acquire and improve their skills through playice rink. For parents of several-year-old children, it is a good way to, on the one hand, develop habits in the youngest for active spending of time, and, on the other hand, to improve their skating technique.

Older skaters can feel the hot rhythms of the carnival during Friday and Saturday's "Disco skating rink", which is played by 4FUN.TV. In turn, all lovers of winter madness should definitely try their hand at the team curling match and slide down the 12-meter E. Wedel iceberg.
For fans of two wheels and more, emotions await at the skatepark, where the amateur slalom league (I LOVE ROLKI) will be held next Saturday, December 12, and on Sunday, free skateboarding workshops are planned for children (Akademia Surfing and Skateboards).
Throughout the weekend, you will also be able to hang out on bumper cars and a carousel at the National Winter Festival. On the other hand, during the break between the attractions - take a breath while drinking hot chocolate at the E. Wedel Chocolate Lounges stand, coffee at the "Zimowy Cafe by Segafredo" or something warming at the "Heating Station".
Regardless of which activities available at the National Winter Festival we choose, this form of calorie burning will be effective and certainly not boring.
Winter National Best
Winter National has been noticed and appreciated in the world by two prestigious awards, Galaxy Awards and Ipra Golden World Awards. On September 25, 2022, the Winter National Award was also awarded for the Best Tourist Product of the Masovian Voivodeship 2022. This competition was organized by the Masovian Regional Tourist Organization.