A winter vacation in the mountains is a great gift for he alth, beauty and figure. The mountain climate will soothe your troubled nerves and - like no other - strengthen your he alth. During walks in the mountains, you will improve the condition of your joints and muscles, get rid of excess weight, and gain immunity.
A trip tomountains in winteris a great opportunity to improve your condition and he alth, especially when you have problems with the respiratory system, thyroid gland or overweight. For aleave , however, you need to prepare and follow the safety rules. Although for most of us a trip to the mountains is beneficial for he alth, it is worth knowing that not all of us benefit from the mountain climate.
He alth benefits of a stay in the mountains
There are frequent spikes in temperature and pressure in the mountains. This forces the body to constantly adapt to new conditions, and thus becomes more resistant to diseases. Doctors are referring to the mountains people suffering from anemia, respiratory problems and an overactive thyroid gland.
The mountain climate makes us breathe faster. Thanks to deeper breathing, the lungs increase their efficiency. In addition, there are changes in the composition of the blood. It turns out that after some time in the mountains, the number of red cells and the hemoglobin content increase. It is a consequence of the increased activity of the blood-forming organs, in particular the bone marrow. At an altitude of more than 1,500 m above sea level the air is clean, free from bacteria and allergens. That is why hiking in the mountains is perfect for those suffering from bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, as well as for those who quickly catch infections. Clean mountain air means that, despite sudden changes in temperature and humidity, tourists rarely catch a cold here.
Mountains are a good idea for the stressed out. Monumental silence and views have a soothing effect on the nervous system. When walking along the trail or just looking at the peaks, it is impossible to think about everyday worries. In the face of the mountains, it is easier to realize that the problems we face on a daily basis are not worth so many nerves.
ImportantAcclimatization of the organism to the mountain climate
In the mountains, the air pressure decreases as the altitude increases. The higher the air is, the cooler and drier the air is. The body has to get used to the thinned air and the reduced oxygen content. Toto provide the body with adequate oxygen as the altitude increases, the lungs must receive more and more air. In addition, the blood should contain a greater number of oxygen-transporting erythrocytes. Therefore, the first reactions of the body to an increase in altitude are to increase the rate of breathing and increase the production of erythropoietin by the kidneys. The first new erythrocytes appear after 4-5 days, but after a week their number is adjusted to the new conditions. Without acclimatization, a person was transported from the lowlands to an altitude of 7,500 m above sea level. he would pass out after about 10 minutes. His death would have occurred shortly thereafter. In the Tatra Mountains, the decrease in atmospheric pressure is relatively small and does not pose any he alth consequences. The influence of diluted air is felt only at an altitude of 4000 m above sea level.
Vacation in the mountains for weight loss
To this mountains they force active rest, and then we have the best chance to get rid of tension and regenerate. You walk in the mountains at a slow, steady pace, so as not to get out of breath, and this type of activity gives the fastest effect of relaxation and simultaneous energy increase. We burn more energy in the mountains than in the lowlands, even when we are resting! This is confirmed by research: in some people it is already at an altitude of 1,500 m above sea level, in others it is only above 2,500 m above sea level, the metabolic rate increases rapidly. So if you want to lose weight, rest in the mountains!
ImportantWho are the mountains not for?
Those who suffer from heart failure and coronary artery disease should give up their holidays in the mountains. The changes in pressure can cause pain behind the breastbone and can also make breathing difficult. The harsh mountain climate and too much effort increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes in the mountains. The mountains should also be avoided by hypertensive people.
In contrast, people with low blood pressure may experience drowsiness, fatigue and dizziness. Due to frequent changes in the weather, people suffering from migraines and meteoropaths will feel bad in the mountains. Pregnant women should also choose not to stay in mountainous regions.
On the next page>>Mountain sickness symptoms << strong<<
The body's reactions to the mountain climate
The harsh mountain climate has the greatest impact on respiration and the circulatory system. When climbing mountains, your breathing is initially shallow, but rapid. After some time, its frequency normalizes. However, it can still go deeper, no matter what effort you're making. If you are hiking at an altitude of 2,000 meters, your breathing depth can be twice as deep as for the same exertion in a flat area. It is a stimulation of activitiesbreathing is caused by the dilution of the air, and thus - a reduced amount of oxygen supplied to the lungs. Simultaneously with the accelerated breathing, the heart rate increases. This change is best seen from the significant differences in heart rate.
The pulse rate, which normally is around 70 beats per minute, accelerates to a greater or lesser degree from 80 to 120 and sometimes more beats depending on the elevation, without exerting any effort.
The body's natural reaction at high altitudes is to increase the production of oxygen-carrying erythrocytes. This allows the oxygen to diffuse better, but at the same time makes the blood thicker. However, be careful as this can lead to stagnation as blood flow becomes obstructed. Additional factors that facilitate the development of thrombosis include dehydration, tight clothing, low temperature. You can take aspirin to prevent thrombosis.
Protect yourself from UV radiation in the mountains in winter
He alth problems in the mountains can also be caused by UV radiation. Therefore, it is imperative to protect yourself from the sun, which is extremely treacherous in the mountains, especially in winter. With every thousand meters, the sun's radiation increases by 15%. In addition, clean air, which makes it easier to let it through, and stretches of crystal-clear snow reflecting the rays, make you particularly vulnerable to sunburn in the mountains.
Symptoms of mountain sickness
An unusual phenomenon is the so-called mountain sickness. Its symptoms vary and depend on the individual characteristics and the he alth condition of the organism. When you rest, you may experience drowsiness, fatigue, and a slight headache. However, completely different ailments appear during exercise. Then the muscles refuse to obey, you may feel a lack of appetite and even disgust at the sight of food. There is also a sudden headache, shortness of breath, heartbeat, nausea and vomiting.
As soon as you lie down, your symptoms disappear. Only drowsiness and a slight headache remain. Fortunately, such ailments in the Tatras do not occur, but when hiking in the Alps - by all means. In he althy people, mountain disease occurs only at altitudes above 3000-4000 m above sea level. However, in tourists with circulatory or respiratory disorders and who are physically exhausted, it may occur at smaller elevations. It disappears after the period of acclimatization.
You must do itHow to walk in the mountains?
While hiking, your stride should be measured. As a rule of thumb, the steeper the slope, the greater the marchslower. When climbing a hill, the legs should be slightly bent at the knees and mobile at the knee joints. Breathe deeply and take short breaks frequently. However, when you cover a longer distance, the rest must be longer.
In the mountains you have to follow the rule to eat little but often. Apart from sandwiches, it is worth having fruit and chocolate with you. In this way, without overloading the digestive tract, you will provide the body with energy. During the hike, drink warm thermos tea, water and juices. Alcohol is not allowed! Although after a few sips of, for example, beer, you will first feel a kind of refreshment, then you will feel weary and weaken.
It's best to go on a trip first thing in the morning, of course, after breakfast. Even if the weather during the day is perfect and the area is beautiful, don't wander in the dark. A hike in the mountains in the evening is dangerous, especially in early and late winter, when you can come across a bear.
Mountain rescuers also emphasize the importance of getting to know the planned route of the trip. To feel safe, you should have a good map with you and stick to the trails. Before going to the mountains, in a hostel or hotel, it is worth leaving information about the route you are going to go and where. A charged mobile phone will also be useful. All this will speed up possible searches in case of loss.
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