We celebrated the International Yoga Day all over the world for the third time. This year we celebrated the motto "Yoga for stress" together. The main celebrations in Poland took place on June 25 at Pole Mokotowskie in Warsaw - over 20,000 people participated in a full-day family picnic.
This year's Yoga Day in Poland was held under the slogan "Yoga for stress", so it fits perfectly into our fast pace of life and looking for newer and newer ways to release stress. And Poles are very stressed - more than every fifth of us experiences stress at work every day, and nearly half say that they are stressed at work often or very often.
Outdoor yoga may be the solution - especially at this time of year, it is a great way to relax, but also a great idea for vacation plans. Thanks to yoga, we can focus, calm down and find the inner balance, so valuable in today's fast, demanding world. The American College of Sports Medicine, an organization dealing with research on physical performance and sports activity, in a 2015 study confirmed that yoga is the first among the 20 most popular fitness disciplines in terms of its beneficial effects on the body and physical condition.
Poles are the most stressed nation in Europe, according to the study "The Workforce View in Europe 2022", conducted by the international company ADP.
Three years ago, the United Nations General Assembly established June 21 as International Yoga Day, recognizing that practicing yoga is good for the he alth of people around the world. Thousands of people celebrate this day not only by practicing yoga in schools and parks, but even in the streets of big cities, such as Times Square in New York, under the Eiffel Tower, and in Potsdamer Platz.
In Poland, the celebration of the International Yoga Day takes place thanks to His Excellency Ajay Bisaria, the Ambassador of the Republic of India, who took the honorary patronage of this event and actively participates in it. The event is supported by Yoga Ambassadors: Agnieszka Cegielska, Edyta Herbuś, Paulina Holtz, Małgorzata Pieczyńska, and Natalia Przybysz who have been practicing yoga for years and promoting a he althy lifestyle.
As every year, the organizers have prepared a rich onethe program of the celebration of the event. On Sunday, June 25, a family picnic took place in Warsaw's Pole Mokotowskie and events in over 25 Polish cities. A day-long program devoted to yoga and the heritage of Indian culture awaited yoga enthusiasts. There were also 20 outdoor yoga sessions for: he alth, spine, joints and hips, overworked, pregnant women, children, seniors. We also listened to the RagaBoy Live Act concert, a musical chillout from The Frozen Heart, we could also experience a musical bath in the sounds of the gong. There were also Acro Yoga shows and yoga styles, Indian dance shows and workshops as well as henna painting (mehendi) workshops.
During the International Yoga Day in theHe althy eating zoneculinary shows were held: "Give yourself peace" by Karolina and Maciek Szaciłłów and "Relax and harmony, because Tefal Companion cooks for you" Grzegorz Łapanowski. Indian speci alties, vegan and vegetarian snacks, vegan sushi, natural ice cream, pressed juices, mangoes in many ways, aromatic coffee and, of course, sweets were prepared.
InRelaxation zoneit was possible while: resting on a deckchair, blanket, mats, chatting with friends, enjoying your favorite taste of Ayurvedic Yogi Tea and Ayurvedic massages. TheExhibitors' Zonewas colorful: the latest collections of clothes, mats, yoga accessories, books and natural cosmetics, unique culinary products, furniture, as well as travel agencies and airlines were presented.

There were also he alth consultations of conventional medicine ( "Mobile he alth clinic"of the monthly "Zdrowie" and the website serwisnikzdrowie.pl), as well as Ayurveda and numerous meetings with authors of books on he althy lifestyle and nutrition, including with Kasia Bem and Ina Rybarczyk, as well as with the authors of the Zwierciadło publishing house Aneta Lancuchowska-Jeziorowska and Karolina and Maciej Szaciłło.
The Yoga Day in Pole Mokotowskie was a unique opportunity for both people who already practice and practicing yoga, as well as supporters, those who just wanted to learn and try what yoga is. Everyone, regardless of age, gender or condition, has found activities for themselves during this day - tailored to their various needs and possibilities. The youngest were also satisfied, taking advantage of numerous attractions, animations and yoga classes for children.
The event was hosted by Dominika Łakomska and Michał Niewęgłowski.
The organizers of the event were: the Yoga Schools Agreement (PSJ), the Indo-Polish Chamber of Commerce (IPCCI) and the Art of Living Polska Foundation (AOL), and the partners: the Indian Association of Poland and the FoundationLife Change, Media Connect. The sponsors are: Tefal Companion, Yogi Tea, Qatar Airways, Tranquini, Indigo Decor, Buddha, FLEX Poland, Indorama Ventures, Weco-Travel, Belbin Polska, Bollywood, Rival Group, DrukMax.
Detailed information can be found on on the website: Dzien-jogi.pl and on and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/822299097927797
A short film from the picnic is available at: https://youtu.be/gC8u- acZbQs
And more information on yoga can be found at: Bosonamacie.pl
A study conducted by the Bosonamacie.pl portal indicated what we learn from yoga: 86% of respondents indicated that they practice yoga to improve and maintain their physical condition, stretch and strengthen their body, 73% are motivated by the well-being they feel after yoga , 72% yoga calms and calms down, reduces stress, 59% practice yoga to improve physical he alth and / or reduce pain, 58% to maintain balance and harmony, 54% thanks to yoga function better in everyday life, and 18% have better concentration thanks to it .