The holiday of an allergy sufferer can be successful, because, contrary to appearances, you can also avoid allergens outside the home. However, a lot depends on the type of allergy and its severity. Holidays are planned differently in the case of food allergy, differently in case of inhalation or contact allergy. But there are also common denominators: allergy sufferers should carefully choose the destination, where to stay and pack wisely, remembering about a well-equipped first aid kit.
- Allergy holidays: when and where to go?
- Hypoallergenic holidays: how to choose a hotel?
- Hypoallergenic holidays: what to pack
- Hypoallergenic holidays: where to eat?
- Allergy holiday: watch out for the sun
- Allergy holiday: holidays with a child with allergies
- Allergy holiday: insect bites
Every allergy sufferer and allergy parent knows how annoying a food or inhaled allergy is. The most difficult thing is what is most important in treating allergies, so avoiding what is allergic.
And because it causes enough problems on a daily basis, many allergy sufferers consciously give up holiday trips, fearing exacerbation of allergy symptoms. But there are also those for whom vacation with their loved ones is so important that they consciously take risks.
Regardless of the motivation, the decision to go on vacation should be consulted with an allergist - and the stay should be carefully planned. So what should an allergy sufferer remember before going on vacation?
Allergy holidays: when and where to go?
In the case of allergies, the key issue is the direction and date of departure. Not every location is recommended for allergy sufferers. People allergic to pollen should also consider the date of departure, adjust it to the pollen calendar and, if possible, rest outside the summer season, because it is in the summer months that the concentration of pollen of grasses, weeds, trees and cereals is the highest.
Allergy sufferers, regardless of the type of allergy, are favored by the seaside, because in such areas the concentration of pollen is usually lower (it is dispelled by a cool, humid wind blowing from the sea), the sea climate has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, and bathing in sea water (under provided that it is clean) work well on the skin.
Allergy sufferers can also go to the mountains: the higher, the less pollen and the lower the oxygen concentrationstimulates the respiratory system. But although climate change is very beneficial for allergy sufferers, it is worth remembering that the body must acclimatize and plan the vacation in such a way that the trip lasts no less than two weeks.
Can an allergy sufferer go abroad? Absolutely - and the rules for choosing a destination are similar to those for holidays in Poland. It is especially worth going to the seaside or in the mountains, and if you have inhalation allergies, follow the local pollen calendar.
Hypoallergenic holidays: how to choose a hotel?
The choice of accommodation is also an important issue, as not every guest house or hotel is suitable for allergy sufferers. In the case of people with inhalation allergy, what matters is, for example, whether the hotel is pet-friendly (because if so, then there is probably nothing to look for in an allergy sufferer), while people with food allergies should look for places where it is possible to order meals that take into account the need to maintain a diet, e.g. dairy-free meals or other dishes for allergy sufferers, but necessarily prepared in such a way that they are not accidentally contaminated with allergens.
When going abroad, it is worth choosing very good hotels, those that serve cuisines of different nations and a wide selection of dishes: then there is usually no problem finding something that can be eaten by an allergy sufferer, and the service is more willing to prepare a dish to order.
The design of the hotel is also important - in interiors stylized as antique, richly decorated, people allergic to dust will probably feel worse, because in such places regular vacuuming can be quite a challenge. It is also worth checking what the bedding is made of (feather pillows and duvets can cause allergies). You can ask about some issues at the reception, answers to other questions may be found in the opinions issued by the guests at a given facility (e.g. on the websites of travel portals).
For many allergy sufferers, a good option is to rent an apartment with a kitchenette, equipped with a washing machine, vacuum cleaner, cooking accessories. In such a place, you can not only prepare your own meals (which is a certain inconvenience, but it significantly reduces the risk of an allergy attack), but also clean every day using safe, home-made cleaning products) or even wash the bedding in a special powder for allergy sufferers.
Hypoallergenic holidays: what to pack
Allergy sufferers should take the items and medications that help them in living with the allergy on a daily basis. The basis is, of course, a well-stocked first aid kit for allergy sufferers, which, in addition to drugs for chronic use prescribed by a doctor, should contain:
- Antihistamines that by blocking histamine receptors eliminate typical symptoms of allergies. These are long-acting preparations, so they can be taken once a day.
- Drugs containing cortisone (in the form of ointments or tablets). They accelerate the resolution of allergic ailments. For example, a hydrocortisone ointment to be applied to the skin will be useful.
- Local decongestants or systemic drugs.
- Antiallergic drugs applied directly to the nasal mucosa and eye drops.
- Epinephrine (adrenaline) in the form of an auto-injector - this is especially important when allergic to insect venom.
When going to an apartment with a kitchenette, it is worth taking everyday cleaning and washing products, as well as a supply of products for preparing meals (in tourist destinations there is sometimes a problem with their availability).
You should also have a description of the disease (symptoms, treatment, medications) prepared by your doctor - if you are going abroad, it should be translated into English. In case of he alth problems, he will facilitate the proceedings of the local doctor.
Hypoallergenic holidays: where to eat?
There is one good answer to this question: never in random places. Every allergy sufferer knows which food allergens are dangerous for him, but there is no certainty that even if a given dish does not contain them, they did not accidentally get there, e.g. when cutting different ingredients on the same board.
For your own safety, it is worth choosing good-class restaurants, when ordering a dish, make sure that it does not contain allergen, and additionally ask for it to be prepared with caution, at the same time informing that in the event of a mistake, serious complications may occur he alth. In good restaurants, the service usually does not have a problem with it and complies with such wishes of guests.
During holidays abroad, it is better not to experiment with new fruits, juices or previously unknown dishes. It is always worth having your own non-allergenic snack with you.
Important! Allergy sufferers should avoid eating and drinking outdoors as they may be bitten by insects attracted by the smell of the food and develop a severe allergic reaction.
What else to remember before leaving?When going abroad, be sure to take out additional he alth insurance, taking into account chronic diseases, and if you are going to EU countries - get an EHIC card.
- When booking a hotel or apartment, you should also do some research in the immediate vicinity andmake sure there is a well-stocked supermarket, pharmacy, hospital nearby. This is important especially when traveling abroad: the possibility to buy some things (e.g. specific food products such as gluten-free bread or plant-based milk) on the spot greatly facilitates the outgoing logistics.
- When calling the hotel, do not hesitate to ask for a room with a refrigerator (necessary to store some medications and ointments) and located in the non-smoking area, away from chlorinated pools, on a higher floor (which reduces the risk of mosquitoes flying into the room), thoroughly cleaned and without plants or carpets.
- When going abroad, also prepare a mini-glossary with phrases about the type of allergies translated into the local language: this will facilitate communication at the pharmacy, reception or doctor.
Allergy holiday: watch out for the sun
If you have sun-sensitive skin, even little sunlight can be a real problem. Therefore, lubricate yourself and your children with sunscreen creams. Also, wear long-sleeved airy shirts and hats.
If you are on medication, ask your doctor if you are allowed to stay in the sun before you leave. Some, such as diuretics, can cause phototoxic reactions. A similar reaction will occur when you go out in the sun right after using deodorant or perfume.
Allergy holiday: holidays with a child with allergies
A small allergy sufferer will spend holidays like his peers, as long as you teach him how to behave when, for example, he hears a wasp buzzing. In addition, dress your child in the colors of nature (brown, beige, olive, gray), because they do not attract insects. They prefer bright ones, especially yellow and orange.
After each meal, wash your child's face and hands, and when the clothes are stained, change them. Do not eat ice cream, fruit (especially if it is very juicy) or juices in the fresh air. The aroma can attract insects.
Make sure your child does not play near blooming flowers and does not walk barefoot on the grass. Do not leave a sleeping child unattended outside. Covering the bed or the pram with a mosquito net does not guarantee that the toddler will not be stung. Avoid taking walks in the orchard and fruit bazaar. There are swarms of insects in such places.
If you send your older child to a camp or summer camp:
- give your child a photocopy of recent medical examinations and medical history with information about anaphylactic shock in the past
- pack the medications that your child regularly takes
- inform the caregivers that the child should take medication and how to do it - preferably give them a piece of paper with relevant information
- Include Anti-Shock Kit
- young people like to wear military gadgets, you can engrave information about the child's he alth on the so-called dog tag
- if your child suffers from a food allergy, include information on allergenic foods
- pack your clothes in natural colors (beige, brown, green, white)
- pack your child sweets that he can eat without fear
- get the shoes that your child eagerly wears so that they do not walk barefoot on the grass.
Allergy holiday: insect bites
There are over 100,000 people living in our climate zone. insect species that bite or sting. The venom of two families - waspidae and bee family - has strong allergenic properties and can also trigger an anaphylactic reaction. The bee's sting sticks into the victim's body and remains in it - the insect dies, but the venom seeps from the poison sac for a few more minutes - so it is very important to remove it as soon as possible.
For allergy sufferers, mosquito bites can also be very troublesome and sometimes very dangerous. Therefore, before going outside, it is worth protecting yourself with a repellent, which is safe for allergic people.
What to do when bitten? When a bee stings, the sting must be removed as quickly as possible, and then a paste of water and baking soda applied to the wound. When a wasp bites, a cold pack of ice or diluted vinegar is enough, and putting a cut onion on the wound also helps.
Particular attention should be paid when a wasp or a bee stings on the tongue - when it swells, it may impede breathing. So you need to put an ice cube there and seek medical help as soon as possible.Important:When you are going out for a picnic or are going to be outdoors for a long time - do not wear patterned clothing. Clothing should be in natural colors. White, green and beige do not arouse the curiosity of insects, unlike yellow and orange. Keep all dishes covered when you eat outside, as the smell also attracts insects, and so does the carbon dioxide in sodas. And remember - stinging insects are also attracted by the smell of sweaty flesh.