Common Tashnik is a plant with characteristic heart-shaped fruits, which is probably known to everyone who has ever run in a meadow. Indeed, the grasshopper is common and treated like an ordinary weed. Meanwhile, the common steak has properties supporting the heart and urinary system, it also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which is why it has been used in herbal medicine. Therefore, when weeding the garden, it is worth not to throw away all the removed herb, because it may be useful.
Common Tasznikgrows along roads, in ditches, on the edge of forests, in meadows and, of course, in home gardens. It is an archaeophyte, that is, an organism that came to a given area from another geographic region a long time ago - in prehistoric times. Initially, it was found in the Mediterranean region, but as a result of the movement of the population, it was dragged to distant corners of the globe. Tashnik is a synanthropic species, i.e. related to human habitats. It spreads and grows rapidly, which is why it is treated like a persistent weed. But few people know that this small - growing up to 30-60 cm tall - and inconspicuous plant is a valuable herb with numerous healing properties.
Common Tashnik - use and healing properties
The healing properties of the tasznik were known already several thousand years ago. Its seeds were found during archaeological excavations in one of the Neolithic settlements in Catalhoyuk, Turkey, dating back to around 5950 BC. In Eastern medicine, it was often used as an antiemetic. And in Europe it was already used by Hippocrates, who emphasized its anti-hemorrhagic effects, incl. related to hemorrhoids or menstruation. Tasznik was recommended to stop bleeding from the nose, gastrointestinal tract and war wounds.
Currently, the internally used towbar works:
- anti-inflammatory and diuretic - it works e.g. in the treatment of inflammation of the urinary system and prostate gland, as well as in the digestive system, relaxes the stomach and intestines, is recommended in the treatment of gastric neurosis
- pain reliever
- astringent and anti-haemorrhagic (e.g. with gastrointestinal bleeding)
- improves the work of the heart, it is recommended as a support in the treatment of hypertension,also brings relief during menstruation (it eliminates menstrual pain and reduces bleeding)
Tashnik used externally works:
- pain reliever
- supports the treatment of eczema and surface wounds, cuts, burns, chafes, bedsores, varicose veins
Tasznik is a rich source of vitamins, especially A, K and C (up to 136 mg in 100 g of leaves), as well as potassium and calcium. It contains biogenic amines (up to 1%), such as choline, acetylcholine, and histamine. It also contains organic acids, essential oils and flavonoids (quercetin glycosides, including rutin and diosmetin glycosides). Flavonoids have a strong antioxidant effect, thereforetasznik teaprevents the aging of the body. Routine seals and strengthens blood vessels, facilitates the absorption of valuable substances and slows down the oxidation of vitamin C, thus prolonging its action. Tasznik also provides the body with valuable phytosterols that reduce the level of the so-called bad cholesterol, thus protecting against heart disease.
ImportantCommon Tashnik is a close relative of cabbage, horseradish or mustard. They belong to the same family - cruciferous or cruciferous. People with thyroid diseases should watch out for cruciferous plants.
Tasznik common - how to take the herb of the common tasznik?
Depending on which form is most convenient for us, you can prepare macerate, tea or tincture from the tasznik. It can also be eaten raw. The operation is always similar.
- macerate - whole plants, with twigs, flowers, fruit and roots, crush with a blender or beat them in a mortar. Then pour lightly s alted water over it and leave it for about 8 hours (e.g. overnight). After straining, drink 2-3 times a day, two tablespoons each, or make compresses of it, depending on the need
- tincture - recommended for heavy and painful periods, inflammation of the urinary tract and gastrointestinal bleeding. Put 250 g of chopped plants into a large jar and pour 1/2 liter of vodka. We turn off and set aside for two weeks in a dark place. After this time, strain the mixture. Take 1 tablespoon of the tincture diluted in half a glass of water 2-4 times a day
- tea - pour a teaspoon of dried herb with hot water and let it brew for 15 minutes. We drink after straining
The action of the common grasshopper is enhanced when it is used in the company of other herbs. For example, too low blood clotting, which is sometimes the cause of nosebleeds, is treated with a mixture of grasshopper, nettle leaves and knotweed. For stomach ulcers, the infusion of the grass, yarrow,lavender, sage, nettle and dandelion root.
Common Tashnik - where is it?
In Poland, the common meatfish can be found virtually everywhere. Depending on the region, it is called cattle, Baba Yaga's bread, babi cheese, shepherd's bundle. It abundantly covers all ditches, tracks, gardens, but also old, ruined buildings and landfills, because it is a nitrogen-loving plant.
It usually has one, straight stem, growing out of the leaf rose near the ground. There are no leaves on the stem, but small, white flowers, gathered in clusters. But the most characteristic are the fruits of the common meatball - small hearts, triangles or pouches filled with red-brown or yellow-brown seeds. It is an annual or biennial plant that blooms from March to late fall. It produces several generations throughout the growing season, which is why it is a difficult weed to eradicate. It smells delicately, but the taste is distinct - s alty-bitter, which becomes more and more spicy with the age of the plant.
Common Tashnik - how to collect?
Common Tashnik is a valuable herbal raw material. It is available in herbal stores and pharmacies, but we can also collect this herb ourselves. Choose plants that grow away from roads and other potential pollutants. They must be he althy, with no signs of disease, with shiny green fruit and white flowers. We use the entire plant - flowers, fruit, leaves and a root that tastes like ginger. The leaves are edible even raw, they taste almost like watercress, so they are suitable for sandwiches and as an ingredient in salads. Similarly, fruit - can be an interesting finish on salads.
ImportantThere is a popular opinion that herbal medicines are not harmful because they are herbal, i.e. natural. It's not true. Herbs can also be harmful - when taken incorrectly, e.g. in too large amounts. Herbs can sensitize you and also react with medications. That is why we should not heal ourselves - if we want to try to help ourselves in our ailments with herbal extracts, let's consult a doctor.