Diets are great, they just don't work. That's why a lot of women are still on diets, one way or the other. The only option is to give up all diets and start eating. How to eat and not gain weight - advises Allen Carr, author of the bestselling quit smoking book, in his book "A Simple Method to Get Losing Weight Effectively".

Ifdietswere effective, there wouldn't be as manyoverweight clinics , so many diet theories and programsweight loss . Allen Carr, an accountant who, after 30 years of smoking, gave up the habit using his own original method, decided to use it also in the case of overweight. Because where do the unnecessary kilograms come from? From unhe althy, destructive eating habits that act like the habit of smoking. The basis of his program is the lack of a diet. Because if we limit ourselves and deny ourselves - we constantly think about food, we feel more hungry, suffer torment or a sense of guilt that we have broken our promise again. Allen Carr thinks it doesn't make any sense.

Own taste, not diet

Do we really like chocolate, fried chops, grilled pork neck, bigos and tripe? According to Allen Carr, most of our culinary tastes are cultural and family heritage. We learned how to say: please and thank you, to stand guard when they play the anthem, and that Mickiewicz is a great poet. We eat most of our meals not out of conscious choice but through conditioning. Because that's how you eat at home, because that's what they serve in a fashionable restaurant or advertise in TV spots or culinary programs. The essence of habitual eating is crunching and chewing - bars, cookies, nuts, chips. According to Allen Carr, we create a habit of compulsive eating in this way. Eating out of the habit of dishes that someone told us are good - this has to be unlearned. But soft and positive. Not with prohibitions, but discovering he althy and, above all, your own tastes.


The Five Commandments of Allen Carr

  • Eat only when you are hungry.
  • Be aware that you eat to provide yourself with the best fuel to maintain a he althy life full of meaning and energy.
  • Do not eat junk food.
  • Choose simple, unprocessed foods.
  • Do not fall into the trappeanut (snacks and chews) and learn to say no.

Animal feeding instinct

Animals do not need to be taught the principles of he althy eating, they do it instinctively. They choose what's nutritious that will give them the most of the good ingredients for survival. They have a nutritional instinct that is embedded in their genes. Allen Carr says we have it too, but we brainwashed ourselves so much that we believed in the greatness of high-fat cream (cholestrol), white sugar (all the worst), chocolate (bitter - and bitter taste means poison to animals), nicotine and alcohol (they are poisoning and addictive), as well as a whole lot of processed foods. Thanks to them, we carry unnecessary kilograms, we suffer from cardiovascular diseases, we die of strokes and suffer from joint degeneration. So Allen Carr's first commandment is - let's eat like an animal. But how to discover what serves us? We know it, we are only attracted to the forbidden fruit.

to love the ugly ducklings

Allen Carr mentions in his book a situation when we sigh to a handsome guy who does not pay attention to us, and we are in love with some less glamorous individual. Our menu is similar: we want what we consider a delicacy - ice cream, dessert, four cheeses paste, and despise an apple, porridge or broccoli. How to love ugly ducklings? Allen Carr advises on visualization. Imagine a juicy orange. Cut it open, watch the sweet juice drip down your fingers. Imagine you eat it and your body greedily grabs whatever good an orange has. It feeds on water, absorbs vitamins that support various changes in cells, smooth the skin from the inside, make us look young and feel he althy, light and happy. Then imagine yourself eating a burger. The animals die in a cruel, fear-filled slaughterhouse. Meat goes to warehouses, the worst pieces, often refreshed with a bath in water or chemicals, are ground. Chops from this raw material are fried in repeatedly used fat, they are saturated and heavy. The burger goes to your stomach. The entire digestive system is mobilizing to do something about it. Hydrochloric acid and bile try to cope and save some proteins and fatty acids from the mass of burnt fat. After this surgery, there are tons of trans fat molecules, dyes, preservatives, and uric acid that the body doesn't know what to do with. The liver and kidneys are working at full speed to get rid of the harmful components. The whole body must work hard so that cholesterol is deposited in your vessels. Appetite is your guide If notyou are convinced by the above-mentioned visions, read the entire book by Allen Carr and try to follow his detailed instructions step by step. Discover your primal instinct and choose only what serves you. But Allen Carr also gives a margin of sin - in his opinion, you can sometimes eat something unhe althy and fattening. His whole theory of getting rid of bad habits is not to force yourself into anything, not to harness willpower and discipline - because it is a patent for failure. The point is for us to discover what we really like, what serves us and use it with pleasure. Allan Carr, "A simple method how to effectively get rid of extra pounds", Betters, Licensed Partner of Allen Carr's International

How to persevere in a diet

We associate the diet with sacrifices and limitations. And this is often what determines its success. How do you think about your diet? How to overcome crises while losing weight - suggests Elżbieta Lange, psycho-dietician and he alth coach.
