If you have heartburn from time to time - you don't need to take medication right away, there are many other simple ways to get rid of heartburn.

  • Modifying the diet is best. First of all, eating more, but smaller meals - then the stomach does not have to produce a large amount of acid at one time.
  • You should also watch out for foods that may worsen your heartburn.
  • Fat, sweet and spicy meals as well as coffee and alcohol increase the secretion of acid digestive enzymes.
  • The substances contained in the cebpi and chocolate have a relaxing effect on the esophageal sphincter, which stops it from properly inhibiting the return of stomach contents.
  • You must do it

  • Drink linseed macerate (pour the linseeds with cool water and leave it for an hour, after draining the liquid, drink it twice a day).
  • Drink or chew the juniper fruit several times a day.
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