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On the third day after giving birth, the baby eats and sleeps mainly. You may, under the influence of hormonal changes, experience a drop in mood and depression. You and your child will both be home soon.

Third day after delivery - mom

  • This is the moment when a sudden drop in mood occurs very often. As research shows, a large group of women undergoafter giving birththe so-called postpartum depression, which is not a mental disorder, but a physiological reaction to childbirth and becoming a mother. Most often, these symptoms appear in the first few days after the baby is born and then disappear quickly. The main reason is the hormonal changes that occur in the woman's body after childbirth: a decrease in estrogen levels and increased secretion of prolactin, as well as a constant feeling of fatigue. The individual tendency to depressive behavior is also important. You may be surprised to experience feelings of anger, resentment or impatience after giving birth to ababy . It is all the result of lack of sleep and fatigue. The appearance of such emotions can additionally cause you to feel guilty and believe that you are a bad mother. Try to talk to someone close to you, let out negative emotions and you will definitely feel much better. You should realize that you are not alone and that your loved ones are also worried about you and your baby.

  • There is also often soreness and swelling of the breasts due to the secretion of food. Systematic latching of the baby to the breast and its proper emptying will reduce these discomforts. Cool compresses can also help, for example from a cloth diaper moistened with cold water or cabbage leaves chilled in the refrigerator. With prolonged stagnation of food, a low-grade fever or even a fever may occur. Remember that you should empty your breasts as soon as possible, and your baby is best at it.
  • The third day is usually a day that parents long for: if there are no medical contraindications, mom withnewbornreturns home.
  • Postpartum - necessary information

    Third day after childbirth - baby

  • Screening for two conditions is performed after 48 hours of age: phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism.
  • Newbornsleep takes the longest. On average, he sleeps 17 hours a day, but life is not a statistic, so one toddler sleeps 19 hours and another - 16 hours. affect the shaping of sensory impressions.
  • Important

    Relax, it's completely normal …

    » On average, a newborn baby takes 30-40 breaths per minute and his heart beats about 120 times. This is because a newborn's lungs and heart are still very small in relation to their body weight. In order to get the right amount of oxygen to the whole body, a child must breathe more often and his heart must work faster than that of an adult.» In the last stage of pregnancy, the baby receives a considerable amount of hormones from the mother, which, before getting rid of them, cause various symptoms. Sex hormones cause swelling in the genitals. In girls, the labia are enlarged, mucus is released, and sometimes there are trace bleeding. The mammary glands produce a food-like discharge and the nipples are visibly enlarged. Due to the activity of the sebaceous glands on the face of the newborn, enlarged pores appear. These changes are self-limiting.

  • During short periods of wakefulness, a toddler may demand the presence of his mother. It often happens that the mother finds it difficult to guess the cause of crying or mistakenly associates it with hunger. If your toddler is dry or full, he may be bothered by a rough label or a crooked diaper. Remember that clothes and a diaper are new for a toddler, and not always pleasant. So make sure that the clothes are made of soft, pleasant fabrics, remove all tags from them and pay attention not to curl the edges of the diaper.
  • After meconium for two consecutive days of life, the child expels the so-called transient stools. They are light green, watery, sticky, and contain remains of undigested milk.
  • In the first days of life, a newborn loses some of its body weight (usually around 10%). It is a completely natural phenomenon, and its causes are: meconium excretion, urination, loss of fluid, water loss through the skin, drying out of the umbilical cord stump, and limited ability to concentrate urine and drink fluids. The decline in excess of 20% is worrying. birth weight.
  • If your child is developing properly, you can prepare him or her for the first journey of life - the way home. Remember about appropriate clothes for the child. Regardless of the weather, put a hat on him, but try not to dress him too warm.
  • monthly "M jak mama"

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