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On the third day after giving birth, the baby eats and sleeps mainly. You may, under the influence of hormonal changes, experience a drop in mood and depression. You and your child will both be home soon.
Third day after delivery - mom
- This is the moment when a sudden drop in mood occurs very often. As research shows, a large group of women undergoafter giving birththe so-called postpartum depression, which is not a mental disorder, but a physiological reaction to childbirth and becoming a mother. Most often, these symptoms appear in the first few days after the baby is born and then disappear quickly. The main reason is the hormonal changes that occur in the woman's body after childbirth: a decrease in estrogen levels and increased secretion of prolactin, as well as a constant feeling of fatigue. The individual tendency to depressive behavior is also important. You may be surprised to experience feelings of anger, resentment or impatience after giving birth to ababy . It is all the result of lack of sleep and fatigue. The appearance of such emotions can additionally cause you to feel guilty and believe that you are a bad mother. Try to talk to someone close to you, let out negative emotions and you will definitely feel much better. You should realize that you are not alone and that your loved ones are also worried about you and your baby.
Postpartum - necessary information
Third day after childbirth - baby
Relax, it's completely normal …
» On average, a newborn baby takes 30-40 breaths per minute and his heart beats about 120 times. This is because a newborn's lungs and heart are still very small in relation to their body weight. In order to get the right amount of oxygen to the whole body, a child must breathe more often and his heart must work faster than that of an adult.» In the last stage of pregnancy, the baby receives a considerable amount of hormones from the mother, which, before getting rid of them, cause various symptoms. Sex hormones cause swelling in the genitals. In girls, the labia are enlarged, mucus is released, and sometimes there are trace bleeding. The mammary glands produce a food-like discharge and the nipples are visibly enlarged. Due to the activity of the sebaceous glands on the face of the newborn, enlarged pores appear. These changes are self-limiting.