Breast cancer, like many other cancers, is almost asymptomatic in its initial stage. Or they are so subtle that they can be easily overlooked. The most common symptom of breast cancer is a lump in the breast.
Symptoms of breast cancerare most often the appearance ofa lump in the breastor changes in its appearance, or the occurrence of different feelings related to breastfeeding. Most of the changes we see are mild. But none of them should be disregarded as it could be breast cancer.
Symptoms of breast cancer
What symptoms may be breast cancer? Most often it is a feeling of a single lump in the breast in self-examination or examination by a doctor, or a suspicious change in a mammogram or ultrasound of the breast. Another signal of breast cancer may be changes in the appearance of the breast: enlargement of its size or, on the contrary, reduction of its size (in an advanced stage, a large tumor causes the breast tissue to shrink, harden and scar). Breast color changes, nipple redness and pain, and leakage, especially of bloody discharge, are suspected. The presence of a lump in the armpit should also prompt a doctor's consultation - it may be an enlarged lymph node attacked by cancer cells. Changes in the appearance of the nipple: its retraction, wrinkling of the skin around it or the appearance of changes around the nipple also cannot be a signal of cancer. It is also worth showing the doctor the dilated veins on the breast and any ulcers that appear on it.
Breast cancer - see how to recognize it
Breast cancer - 80 percent of changes are mild
If you are concerned about any change in your breast, do not be afraid right away, because most of the abnormalities we observe are mild changes. It is worth informing your doctor about any, especially persistent ones, and if necessary, a breast ultrasound or mammography should be performed. If there are many lumps in the breast, they are usually benign. Nipple pain and redness may occur when the nipples rub against the fabric of your clothes. If it passes quickly it probably doesn't mean anything dangerous. Occasional milky discharge from the breasts or a creamy deposit on the nipples - this is also normal. In mature womenthe warts may release a colorless fluid associated with hormonal changes during the menopause. Most women have asymmetrical breasts, so the difference in breast size shouldn't be alarming. Unless it appears suddenly.
Preventive examinations most effective in detecting breast cancer
The best way to control breast cancer is by regular preventive examinations: breast ultrasound and mammography. Women after breast augmentation surgery should perform an MRI. Such examinations (once every two years) and systematic check-ups at the gynecologist, whom we inform about any changes observed, allow for the detection of breast cancer at the earliest stage. The chance of a full recovery is close to 100%.