Varicose veins are ugly, but most of all they are the result of a serious cardiovascular disease. Some of the causes of varicose veins are independent of you: age (veins become less flexible with age), gender (women are more at risk), pregnancy and childbirth, or diseases that favor the formation of varicose veins. However, the wrong lifestyle and bad habits are also responsible for the changes in the veins. Check how hard you try to have varicose veins.
Varicose veinsnot only disfigure, but also a serious disease that requires treatment. Varicose veins cannot always be avoided, but you can certainly slow down their appearance, because somecauses of varicose veinsdepend only on us. So why do we so often do everything ourselves to make the varicose veins disfigure our legs? Check how hard you try to have varicose veins.
To have varicose veins, you don't care for the right weight
Overweight and obesity increase the strain on the legs. More blood has to flow through the vessels, and under greater pressure, and the fragile veins cannot always cope with this. Abdominal obesity is especially dangerous, because the excess body fat in these parts hinders the circulation.
You spend a lot of time in one position to have varicose veins
Standing and sitting for a long time make it difficult for the blood to travel to the heart, and the leg muscles are not working, so the risk of blood stagnation in the veins increases. Therefore, when you have been standing for a long time, shift from foot to foot, climb on your toes, do a few sit-ups. If you are sitting, take a walk from time to time, move your legs under the desk (e.g. climb on your toes, shake them, walk in place, roll your feet in circles). Also, make sure you have a comfortable chair - the weight of the body should be on the buttocks, not on the thighs. Place a footrest under the desk and rest your straight legs on it (do not cross them). Do not cross leg or sit on curled legs. Instead of using the elevator, take the stairs.
In order to have varicose veins, you warm yourself up without moderation
Under the influence of heat, the veins widen and the blood flows more slowly towards the heart, which favors its retention. So do not overdo it with sunbathing (in the sun, in a solarium), avoid hot baths, mud compresses, do not go to the sauna, do not use hot waxing.
To have varicose veins, you go overboard with somesports
Movement is great for veins, as long as it is not too strenuous. So avoid long hours of cycling, hiking, long runs. The veins are also not used for strength exercises, such as lifting weights, because they cause an excessive increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, compressing the vessels located there, and thus preventing the free flow of blood. If you are prone to varicose veins, it is also inadvisable to horseback riding, mountain climbing (especially with a heavy backpack), tennis, squash.
To have varicose veins, you always wear high heels
Leave the heels for special occasions, because too high a heel (over 5 cm) completely changes the dynamics of gait: the foot muscles do not work and the activity of the calf muscles is limited (the so-called bird gait). On the other hand, too narrow toes impede blood circulation in the foot.
To have varicose veins, you smoke cigarettes
Nicotine accelerates the destruction of blood vessel walls, contributes to the narrowing of the veins and their calcification. When you smoke, your risk of blood clots also increases.