Abdominal pain can accompany normal overeating. So let's supplement your home medicine cabinet with medications that will bring relief.
Digestive disorders can manifest themselves in many ways. Often times, a slight change in lifestyle or eating habits will help reduce your symptoms. It is good to reach out to your home first aid kit in the short term. Before using any of the drugs, be sure to read the leaflet carefully. In case of disturbing symptoms, such as loss of appetite, weight loss, vomiting or reflux (regurgitation of food from the stomach into the esophagus), consult your doctor. A visit to a specialist is also necessary when the pain recurs regularly, lasts several hours after taking medications, or is accompanied by other ailments.
Symptoms most often include upper abdominal pain or discomfort, which usually occurs after a meal, especially a fatty or spicy meal. They are accompanied by nausea, abdominal pain, and sometimes diarrhea and low-grade fever. Alcohol (especially in excess) and some anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can also irritate the digestive tract and cause indigestion. The ailment can also be caused by an improper combination of foods (e.g. milk and cucumbers). Smoking and stress also increase the risk of its occurrence. In the case of indigestion, preparations that increase the secretion of bile are often used, which thus support the digestion of fats, and with artichoke extract - they regulate the work of liver cells and accelerate their renewal.
- Tablets against indigestion - stimulate digestion and intestinal peristalsis (Labofarm, PLN 13.26 / 60 tablets).
- Mint fix - tea for indigestion and flatulence (Herbapol Lublin, approx. 5 PLN / 25 bags).
- Stomach drops - help with indigestion and spasms of the digestive system (Farmina, approx. 4 PLN / 20 g).
- Hepatil - supports the work of the digestive tract and liver (Pliva Kraków, approx. 9 PLN / 20 tablets).
- Essentiale Forte - accelerates the regeneration of the liver (Sanofi-Aventis, approx. PLN 29/50 capsules).
- Raphacholin C - supports the secretion of bile and intestinal peristalsis (Herbapol Wrocław, 9.30 PLN / 30 tablets).
- Sylimarol - protects the liver, accelerates its regeneration (Herbapol Poznań, approx. PLN 11/60 tablets).
Often the cause is bacteria or viruses. When using charcoal, leave a 2-hour break before and aftertaking other medications so as not to weaken their effects.
- Laremid - in acute and chronic diarrhea (Polfa Warszawa, about PLN 7/10 tablets).
- Healing charcoal - works faster after chewing it (Polfa Rzeszów, 5.92 PLN / 20 tablets).
- Imodium Instant - works quickly, the tablets dissolve on the tongue (Johnson & Johnson, 10.55 PLN / 6 pcs.).
- Multilac - probiotic to be swallowed (Genexo, approx. 11 PLN / 10 capsules).
- Orsalit - provides electrolytes and glucose (Biomed, about PLN 15/10 sachets).
- LacidoEnter - capsules can be swallowed or opened and dissolved in water (Merck, PLN 15.34 / 20 capsules).
- BioGaia - probiotic for babies, used in colic, reduces the risk of diarrhea (BioGaia, approx. PLN 41/5 ml).
- Nifuroxazide Hasco - effective in poisoning
GRANDMAN'S WAYSWhen bloating, try a gentle massage - make circular movements around the navel with your hand. If you have a stomach ache, you can apply a warm compress (hot water bottle). Some are helped by strong black tea without sugar or a degassed and warm cola drink - use a teaspoonful of no more than 1/2 cup.
They arise when an increased amount of gas accumulates in the digestive tract as a result of excessive ingestion of air while eating. Medicines containing simethicone or dimethicone reduce and facilitate the removal of air bubbles from the gastrointestinal tract.
- Esputicon - gelatin capsules (Synthesis, PLN 15.56 / 100 capsules).
- Infacol - suspension with a special dropper for baby colic (Nepentes, approx. PLN 20/50 ml).
- Ulgix - small capsules, easy to swallow (Hasco-Lek, approx. PLN 15/100 capsules).
- Espumisan - small capsules (Berlin-Chemie AG, 18 PLN / 100 capsules).
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