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The diet of a child turning 12 months old should slowly change. After the first birthday, the toddler is very mobile, and therefore needs a varied menu that will give him energy to explore the world. When composing a he althy menu for a child, remember that their body is still immature.
Properfeeding a childguarantees its proper development - a cliche, but how real. What should the diet of a 1-year-old child look like ?
Number and size of meals for a 1-year-old child
The child should eat 4-5 meals a day, three main meals, such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two additional, much smaller meals - lunch and afternoon tea. The repeating rhythm of meals creates a favorable habit of regular eating. Remember to give your child the right-sized portions that are adequate to his needs and abilities. A one-year-old child can regulate the amount of eaten meals by himself and it is worth trusting his instincts.
When preparing your menu, do not forget about milk
During the period of intensive growth and development of a small, annual organism, milk is still very important. Provides the child with calcium necessary for the development of bones and teeth. Milk and dairy products such as yoghurts, kefirs, white cheese and yellow cheese also contain easily digestible protein. Remember that a child up to 3 years of age should be given modified milk, which contains, among others, calcium, iron, vitamin D, unsaturated fatty acids, and prebiotics. It is recommended to give children 2 servings of 200 ml of milk a day, preferably of the Junior type, and 1 serving of other dairy products.
Products that can be added to the child's menu after the age of 12
The new products should still be administered with caution because of the possibility of an allergic reaction in the child. After your baby is 12 months old, you can also introduce small amounts of honey, cocoa and nuts into your baby's diet. Remember that the products you serve are easy to digest and that they come from high-quality ingredients. For breakfast, you can give your toddler cereal for children between 1 and 3 years of age. Served with milk, kefir or yoghurt, they will be a he althy and wholesome meal.
Baby needs more water thanjuices
Vegetable and fruit juices are a source of many valuable nutrients. Although pure juices provide fiber and vitamins, their excess is not recommended in the nutrition of children. You can give your child no more than half a glass of puree or clear juice a day. The best solution to your toddler's thirst is water. Serve natural, spring, low-mineralized water that has an appropriate certificate. Remember that babies over 1 year of age require approximately 1,300 ml of fluids per day. When giving a junior water or juice, use a non-spill cup - it's time to wean him from the bottle with a teat. Drinking from a cup will have a positive effect on the development of the child's speech apparatus.
Learning to eat independently
When the child is able to drink from the cup alone, it is time to learn to eat independently. If you've found your little one eagerly holding a teaspoon and putting it in their mouth, try giving them some space to practice eating on their own. Be patient, your baby's meals may take longer to eat as your baby takes time to learn to eat without your help. Remember that your baby can bite on its own. Give up mixing soups and dinners. This discourages your toddler from biting and can cause bite problems in the long run.
What a baby's meals shouldn't be
It happens that after the age of 1, parents serve their children with meals that they themselves eat. Remember that this is not a good practice. An adult's plate is full of spices, s alt or sugar, and the meals are not prepared properly. Avoid chemically preserved products with dyes and artificial flavors. Sweets, carbonated drinks, chips or french fries should absolutely not be part of a one-year-old's diet.
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