Salicylic acid is an organic compound that belongs to the group of hydro acids (BHA). It is most often used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. How does salicylic acid work and what drugs contain? It's worth checking out!

What is salicylic acid?

Salicylic acid(Latinacidum salicylicum)is a derivative of benzoic acid. Representative ofof the group of secondary metabolites of higher plants , classified as aromatic hydroxycarboxylic acids (phenolic acids), which play important biological roles in the protection of human he alth.

A natural source of salicylic acid iswhite willow(Salix alba). Willow root containssalicin, which is converted by chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis to saligenin , which is oxidized to salicylic acid.

Salicylic acid was first isolated byRafael Piria in 1838Salicin itself was given to patients with rheumatic fever in 1874 in Scotland (Thomas MacLagan) and Germany (Carl Buss) with good therapeutic effect.

Synthetically, salicylic acid is obtained inthe two-step reactiondeveloped in 1859 by Hermann Kolbe. In the first stage, sodium phenolate is converted into sodium salicylate under the influence of CO2. Then, in the second stage, after acidification, salicylic acid is formed. This compound can be prepared using(E) -cinnamic acid or isochoric acid .

A well-known compound for the production of which salicylic acid is used isacetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).There are two types of salicylic acid derivatives: non-acetylated and acetylated.

Salicylic acid can be found inliquid drugs.

Salicylic acid - ingredients

Popular preparations containing salicylic acid include :

  • Salicylic alcohol,
  • Hasceral,
  • Peel record,
  • Sonol,
  • ABE liquid,
  • Mobilat,
  • Acifungin,
  • Brodacil,
  • Denilan and others.

These drugs are intended forexternal use . They contain mainly salicylic acid and additional auxiliary substances. Medicines with a complex composition are used in the treatment of:

  • psoriasis, because they contain cygnolin in addition to salicylic acid;
  • chronic ulcers,
  • dandruff,
  • eczema and acne due to the zinc oxide content,
  • parasitic diseases (additionally they contain sulfur).

Salicylic acid - action

Salicylic acid works by inhibiting the constitutive cyclooxygenase (COX-1) enzyme, which is responsible for the synthesis of thehormone prostaglandin . Salicylic acid inhibits the inflammatory process. It is absorbed quickly from the gastrointestinal tract and easily penetrates the skin into all tissues.

Salicylic acid is mostly excreted in the urine. Worksantiseptic and anti-inflammatoryby dilating blood vessels.

Read also: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - effects and side effects

Salicylic acid - application

Salicylic acid is used in the production of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and p-aminosalicylic acid. In addition, salicylic acid is used in medicine as adisinfectant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and anti-rheumatic agent.

Salicylic acid - indications

Preparations containing salicylic acid are used in the treatment of:

  • inflammation,
  • fingerprints,
  • warts,
  • herpes,
  • fungal conditions.

Salicylic acid - contraindications

Do not use the drug if you are allergic to salicylic acid or to any of the modules listed in the composition of the drug.The drug should not be given to newborns, infants and children under 12 years of ageas it may cause the development of Reye's syndrome

Salicylic acid - dosage

A drug that contains salicylic acid,should be used as described in the patient information leafletor according to specific guidelines and recommendations of a doctor or pharmacist. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

Read also: How to read medicine leaflets? [EXPLAIN]

Salicylic acid - precautions

Special care should be taken in the event of allergies and in the dosage. Salicylic acid showsthe ability to penetrate the skin and break down fats . May contribute to bleeding blemishes or chemical burns to the skin.

Salicylic acid - side effects

The side effects include, first of all,allergic skin reaction .

Acidsalicylic acid - interactions with other drugs

Salicylic acid cannot be used with:

  • drugs to lower blood pressure,
  • diuretics,
  • antidiabetic drugs,
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In order to avoid undesirable ailments, inform the doctor or pharmacist about all drugs currently or recently used, as well as about drugs that the patient is going to use. You should also inform the doctor about the current he alth condition, about any diseases or additional diseases.

Before taking any medicine containing salicylic acid,tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding . The use of a drug containing salicylic acid during pregnancy and breastfeeding is generally not recommended.

Salicylic acid - storage

There are no special recommendations regarding the storage of salicylic acid. However, it is best to store it ina cool and dry placethat is invisible and inaccessible to children. You should not use the drug with salicylic acid after the expiry date which is stated on the package. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

