The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is another COVID-19 vaccine. Unlike other coronavirus vaccines, it is supposed to be a single-dose vaccine. How does the Johnson & Johnson vaccine work, what is its composition and effectiveness? Are there any complications after the Johnson & Johnson vaccine? Read what is already known about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
The Johnson & Johnsonvaccine against COVID-19 has the working name Ad.26.COV2.S or JNJ-78436725. The company has now completed a Phase 3 clinical trial of ENSEMBLE vaccine.
The study involved 43,783 participants with 468 symptomatic cases of COVID-19. The study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in adults 18 years of age and older. What does this study show? How effective is the vaccine to prevent COVID-19?
Johnson & Johnson vaccine - composition and mode of action
The Johnson & Johnsonvaccine for COVID-19 is a vector vaccine. As explained by Dr. Piotr Rzymski, an expert in the field of medical biology and scientific research of the Medical University of Karola Marcinkowski in Poznań, in a comment given to PAP, the vaccine uses type 26 adenovirus, the genome of which was extended to include the S protein gene of the coronavirus.
- The virus in question is processed in such a way that it cannot reproduce in human cells - this was achieved by removing regions critical for replication from its genetic material. It cannot cause any disease, it just serves as a vehicle for the instructions by which the cell produces the virus's S protein.
Then it is further processed and presented by the cell on the surface - and this triggers various immune response processes, he says. A problem with the use of adenoviruses as vectors in vaccines is that some people have antibodies against them. That's why AstraZeneca has chosen to use an adenovirus that originally comes from chimpanzees - humans don't come into contact with them in many regions of the world. The J&J vaccine uses human adenovirus type 26, but infections with it are not common in Europe and possible antibodies remain low. - adds the expert.
Johnson & Johnson vaccine - number of doses and effectiveness
Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a single dosevaccine. It can be stored in the refrigerator for at least 3 months. According to dr hab. Piotr Rzymski: - These are all great logistical facilities for the vaccination program and greater convenience for the vaccinated people.
The onset of protection was observed on day 14 post vaccination. The optimal level of immunity should be achieved 4 weeks after receiving the preparation.
The overall effectiveness of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 was 66% in the ENSEMBLE clinical trial (covering various geographic regions). However, the effectiveness varied depending on the geographic area. In the US it was 72%, in Latin America it was 66%, in South Africa - 57%. Regardless of the region, the effectiveness of the vaccine in preventing severe COVID-19 was rated at 85 percent, and in protecting against hospitalization in the course of COVID-19 - at 100 percent.
- The good news is that none of the vaccinated people who became infected required hospitalization. The level of protection was comparable regardless of age (over 13,000 people over 60 years of age participated in the study) and the geographic region where the study was conducted - this also applies to South Africa, where almost all cases of infection were caused by the so-called the African variant. And this is another good news "- emphasizes the expert.
The study shows that the Johnson & Johnsonvaccine protects against severe COVID-19regardless of patient age, geographic region, and coronavirus variant, including the South African variant of the B.1.351 lineage.
Szczepionka Johnson & Johnson - availability
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be distributed in a standard way for vaccines and drugs, and according to the manufacturer's declaration, at -20 ° C the product will maintain its properties for two years, while at 2-8 ° C it can be stored for three months .
The manufacturer informed that the product will be available immediately after receiving the authorization to use the vaccine in the USA. The date of distribution of the vaccine in the EU is not yet known.