Are you at risk of cataracts? Each of us should answer this question. In Poland, approx. 800 thousand people suffer from cataracts. people. The development of cataracts is usually a natural consequence of the aging process of the body. Over the years, the natural lens of the eye loses its clarity, and the haze that appears is a barrier to light from entering the retina. Cataracts develop at an uneven pace - some people experience a significant deterioration in the quality of vision within a few months, others experience significant discomfort only after a few years. Take the quiz and check if you are at risk.

Remember that the quiz is only informative, does not constitute a medical diagnosis and cannot replace a consultation with a specialist. If, while answering the questions contained in it, you have identified any of the risk factors or symptoms of cataract, you will need to see your GP, who will write a referral to an ophthalmologist.