As part of losing weight, you change your diet, but your weight does not drop? Are you trying to eat less and he althy, but feel like you are not losing weight? Exercise does not help either … Check if the real reason that you are not thinning or even gaining weight is not bad habits. The quiz result will show if you are making the right choices. Mark the first answer that comes to your mind.
Why don't I lose weight if I follow a slimming diet and exercise? - this question is asked by many people. Firstly, because you lose weight the fastest and most efficiently when you try to lose weight for the first time. Each subsequent one is more and more difficult, and the expectations are more and more high. Statistics show that every 10th Pole has used the services of a dietitian or diet clinic in the last two years.
The second important obstacle are our everyday habits. It seems that theoretically, the matter of losing weight is simple: to lose weight, all you need to do is eat less and move more. However, for many reasons it is not at all easy. It happens that we make it difficult to realize ourselves by making mistakes (during or after a slimming diet) that result in gaining weight. Check if you know how to eat properly and what choices to make so that your body weight is lower and lower and the waist is less and less.