There is a discussion among urologists and oncologists about the meaning of PSA (prostatic antigen) determination, a test that has been considered an effective tool for the detection of prostate cancer.

This is in response to the withdrawal of the WHO (World He alth Organization) recommendation thatPSAis an important diagnostic indicator forprostate cancer . The reason for the WHO's decisions were contradictory conclusions from research conducted in America and Europe. American research shows that universal determination of PSA does not bring benefits to patients, while European ones - on the contrary.

To prove that PSA testing can help reduce the risk of dying from cancer, more than 162,000 people were tested. he althy Europeans aged 55-69, without urinary tract ailments. They were divided into two groups. In the first one, PSA was examined for cancer every 2-4 years, and in the second one from the time the symptoms appeared. After 8 years, in the first group (with regularly measured PSA), the risk of death was 20%. smaller than the other. It is likely that longer observations will show even greater benefits from performing the test early.

In a similarly planned American study, the observation of patients was carried out too shortly. In addition, as much as 44 percent. gentlemen meant PSA before they were even included in the research program. They probably had a low PSA and a lower risk of developing the disease than the general population, which may explain the divergent results.

Prostate cancer - what are the symptoms?

And yet control the PSA

Scientists from Europe concluded that determination of the prostatic antigen is necessary because it allows to identify men at risk of the disease. And this conclusion is supported by the majority of European doctors. Prostate cancer is a cancer that develops very slowly, which makes it difficult not only to observe disturbing symptoms, but also to make a diagnosis. Contrary to popular belief, the disease does not only affect elderly men (over 70), it also attacks younger men. Therefore, it is worth having aPSA test , but it should be done in consultation with the urologist. The study makes it possible to distinguish he althy men who do not feel any ailments from the general population - those who are at risk. The most important aggravating factor is family speakingcancer, especially in first-line relatives (father, brother) before the age of 65. These PSA gentlemen should mark their 40th birthday. Others - closer to fifty.

Important ratios between prostate size and PSA level

Interpreting PSA test results requires knowledge and experience. It is known that cancer cells can be found in the body with low PSA levels and vice versa - high PSA does not necessarily mean prostate cancer. The specialist - to dispel doubts - orders additional tests. Therefore, the PSA is determined broken down into fractions - free and total PSA. If free PSA is low, the risk of developing cancer is greater.


The prostate gland (prostate, prostate) is only 0.5 percent. adult male body weight, and is the second largest cancer-related death. In Poland, about 8,000 people register each year. new cases of prostate cancer and approx. 4 thousand. deaths. Our gentlemen, unlike Americans, do not undergo medical examinations and often see a doctor with an advanced disease. In the USA, one in eight sick men dies, in Poland one in two dies.

Research to help diagnose prostate cancer

A lot of information will be given to the doctorrectal examination,which allows to assess the abnormalities of the gland. When the doctor determines that the gland is abnormal, he or she orders an ultrasound scan through the rectum (TRUS test), which measures the volume of the prostate and compares it with the PSA result. If the gland is small and the PSA is elevated, there is about 60% of the gland. risk of aggressive prostate cancer. With a large prostate and the same PSA level - the risk drops to several percent.

The next examination of the prostate is a tissue biopsy performed with a thick needle, which allows to collect material from several places. The result lets you know if it is high-risk or low-risk cancer. If it is low, treatment may be delayed and the gland observed. When the risk is high, treatment must be started quickly.

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