Meat contains valuable nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals. In some medical conditions, such as stomach ulcers, arteriosclerosis and food allergies, the type of meat and the way it is prepared play a huge role in the success of treatment.
Not all types ofmeathave the same nutrient mix. In addition, some meats are more tender and contain less fat. The method of preparation and seasoning is also important. People suffering from stomach ulcers should avoid highly seasoned meat, and patients with arteriosclerosis should eat only lean meat. What types of meat are recommended for certain diseases?
What kind of meat can be eaten in case of gastritis, infections with fever and convalescence?
Recommended: veal, lean beef, lean pork, rabbit, hen, chicken, turkey. Prohibited: fatty pork, mutton, tripe, venison, goose, duck, wild birds. The best way to prepare it is by steaming or baking in foil. Recommended meat dishes include meatballs, stews.
What meat can be eaten in peptic ulcer disease?
Apart from the selection of meat (as above), spices play an important role. It is about limiting substances that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. Instead of pepper, horseradish, mustard, paprika, mustard, chili, curry, which are prohibited, herbal s alt, dill, lemon juice, cumin are recommended. In the acute period of the disease, the cooked meat should be shredded. Then you include steamed or foil-baked meat in your diet.
What kind of meat can be eaten in thyroid diseases?
Fat content in meat is particularly important in thyroid diseases. Recommended are: lean poultry (skinless), veal, beef and pork. Recommended methods of preparation are boiling, stewing without browning, baking in foil.
What kind of meat can be eaten in a food allergy?
Meat allergy mainly affects young children. The most common meats are beef, veal and chicken. Rabbits, pork, turkey and ostrich are best tolerated. It is worth knowing that all meat stocks can have adverse effects. Therefore, when making soup for a child, meat belongscook separately.
What kind of meat can be eaten with atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease?
With atherosclerosis, it is important to reduce saturated fatty acids and cholesterol in the diet. Lean meat is recommended - turkey, chicken, veal, rabbit, goose, duck, pork, offal are contraindicated. The skin must be removed from the poultry. You can cook, stew, but without frying, bake in foil, grill, if fry, then on a fat-free pan (e.g. grill).
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