Hemorrhoids are a disease of civilization and can bother anyone regardless of age. Anal varicose veins is an unpleasant and painful condition. And it is usually a bad diet and an unhe althy lifestyle to blame. So what to do to avoid this troublesome ailment?
Every person usually has threehemorrhoids , colloquially known as hemorrhoids, which look like pillows filled with blood. They play a very important role - they seal the anal canal , they also allow you to control the discharge of gases. When there is a nerve impulse that it is time to defecate, the hemorrhoids empty of blood (it flows back into the blood vessels), opening the anal canal. This natural reflex is controlled by the nerves of the autonomic system, which works without the involvement of consciousness. Fortunately, the external anal sphincter is controlled by part of the nervous system at will. This allows you to temporarily stop your bowel movements.
Hemorrhoids - broken mechanism
He althy lumps are invisible, but the sick ones grow considerably and, if left untreated, they begin to protrude outward. Sometimes they fill with blood beyond measure. This makes them too stretched and does not empty the blood completely before passing stools. It remains in the blood vessels and is one of the causes of inflammation, a disease commonly known as hemorrhoids. Inflammation of the hemorrhoids is a common disease. Unfortunately, most people still consider it an embarrassing condition, not a disease that requires professional treatment. Self-help often makes the situation worse and can have very serious he alth consequences.Hemorrhoidsmust be treated by a specialist. To avoid such troubles, follow 6 important rules:
To avoid hemorrhoids, keep a good weight
Obesity is one of the causes of inflammation of the hemorrhoids. Overweight people tend to avoid exercise and exercise, and can usually be pointed out to many dietary mistakes. If you cannot cope with excess weight, consult a doctor, dietitian or specialists from a metabolic clinic. Losing extra pounds requires patience, because fatty tissue will not disappear in any miraculous way.
Eat properly to avoid hemorrhoids
Respectivelya well-chosen diet prevents constipation, which is conducive to hemorrhoids. In your daily menu, focus on fiber, e.g. wholemeal bread, whole grain bread (instead of white, wheat), various types of groats, oatmeal, bran, as well as kefir, buttermilk, yoghurt, cottage cheese. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. The proportions on the plate should be 3: 1: 1, i.e. 3 portions of salad, 1 portion of groats and 1 portion of meat. Replace sweets with fruit. Avoid chocolate, cocoa, black tea, coffee, alcohol, nuts, flatulent foods, and foods high in animal fat and spicy foods. If you have a family history of haemorrhoidal disease, eat more often but smaller portions. Then the digestive tract will be less loaded, which will have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines. Every day drink 2-3 liters of liquids, preferably still mineral water, herbal or fruit teas and fresh juices. This helps to avoid constipation.
Don't sit on the toilet
Long "sessions" favor the protrusion of hemorrhoids from the anus. Do not extend your visit to the toilet. Haemorrhoids are also adversely affected by overloading the abdominal press, i.e. too much tensioning of the abdominal muscles during bowel movements. If you do this too often, the veins around the anus become stretched, less flexible, and more and more blood deposited in them.
Live actively
Exercise should be regular, but not too intense. Daily exercise, a walk before bedtime, light jogging or swimming improve bowel function. However, it is not advisable to ride a bike on a high-performance basis or ride a horse for many hours. If your job requires hours of sitting, remember to exercise your anal muscles. Squeeze them tightly every now and then, hold them for a few seconds (just like holding back pressure), and relax. Do not be afraid, no one will notice such gymnastics. From time to time get up from your desk, walk a few steps, do a few squats or stretch your entire body. Rest lying down - this reduces the pressure on the anal muscles.
Take care of hygiene
Washing around the anus after a bowel movement reduces the risk of infection. You can keep your skin clean by using intimate cleansing lotions or special wipes soaked in chamomile, calendula or oak bark extracts. In the event of the slightest skin irritation, dry the anal area with a soft disposable towel or cotton pad. Toilet paper, especially colored or perfumed, may additionally irritate the skin. Underwear should be made of pure cotton, because it absorbs sweat well and is breathable. So if you have anydiscomfort around the anus, do not wear plastic underwear and do not wear thongs.
Avoid anal sex
Sexual intercourse which penetrates the anus may damage the hemorrhoids. The consequence of anal sex can also be damage to the sphincters, fecal incontinence, anal fissures and, finally, infectious diseases, such as AIDS.
What are hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are the widening of the veins in the rectum, at the end of the anus. Each of us has these veins. However, the problem begins when there is increased pressure in the system of these veins, when there is blood stagnation in this area or abnormalities in the structure of the vessels. What causes hemorrhoids? Can their appearance be prevented? These questions are answered by our expert - surgeon Jacek Waligóra from Medicover Hospital in Warsaw.
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