The COVID-19 pandemic has taken over the world for almost two years. The SARS-Co-V-2 coronavirus has a huge impact on our lives. It causes fear, anxiety and anxiety. Feelings of tiredness and exhaustion increase. What is pandemic burnout and how do you deal with it?
The World He alth Organization (WHO) definespandemic burnoutas fatigue and exhaustion related to the prevailing pandemic situation. As evidenced by WHO data, this burnout has affected up to 60 percent. Europeans. Initially, the fear of COVID-19 was motivating. However, for a long time now, the feeling of fatigue, burnout, fear and frustration lead to exhaustion of the body and deterioration of the mental condition.
Pandemic burnout symptoms
Pandemic burnout may be different for everyone, but there are a few common symptoms that affect everyone who struggles with this ailment. These include:
- emotional exhaustion,
- less efficiency at work,
- anxiety about the future,
- tremendous physical fatigue.
These ailments often coexist with mental disorders, e.g. depression or the severity of anxiety disorders.
Although pandemic burnout can affect anyone, people who are in the "center" of pandemic events, such as medical staff, soldiers, policemen, most often struggle with it. It also affects vulnerable people, in particular those who have lost their livelihood as a result of the pandemic.
The pandemic situation makes everyone - to a greater or lesser extent - unsafe. We become more and more stressed, nervous, and more and more anxious. People who also struggle with eating disorders may experience more disturbing symptoms in themselves.
The study shows that 38 percent people receiving treatment for an eating disorder, symptoms worsened early in the pandemic. That's why it's so important to know how to deal with pandemic burnout.
How to deal with pandemic burnout?
It is extremely important to take care of your own well-being as much as possibleconcentrate and focus on yourself.
- Regular physical activity - even a daily, several-minute walk in the fresh air will have a positive effect on your well-being. It is worth going for a bike ride, start attending the swimming pool or the gym. Regular physical activity improves fitness, strengthens immunity and has a positive effect on the well-being and brain function.
- He althy eating - it is worth focusing not only on physical activity, but also on he althy eating. Reducing the consumption of fast food, processed foods and products overloaded with preservatives will improve our well-being. The daily menu should be rich in vegetables, fruit and he althy fatty acids.
- Meditation - relaxing activities, deep and conscious breathing, as well as calming down and focusing on the here and now will help fight pandemic burnout.
- Building self-esteem - in difficult times it is extremely important to appreciate yourself. Think about some difficult moments in the past and how you managed to overcome them.
- Positive thinking - it is worth starting a journal of positive experiences, in which at the end of the day we write down what nice happened to us today.
- Social relations - it is important not to close yourself to the world in difficult moments, on the contrary - to focus on relationships with people close to us. It is worth finding time to meet friends, friends, and if that is impossible, try to talk to them on the phone as often as possible.
- Avoiding Boredom - It is important that people struggling with pandemic burnout avoid boredom. Sitting and thinking will not help you feel better. A pandemic is the perfect time to develop your passions and interests. It's a good idea to learn foreign languages, paint or read books.
During the first wave of the pandemic, many people watched the news coming from everywhere almost every hour. However, the sheer volume of bad news has led some to turn their backs on the media, which also causes fear and anxiety. If we feel overwhelmed by information about a pandemic, but still want to stay informed, let's look for credible and reliable sources of information.
When to ask for help?
If, despite following the tips above, your well-being does not improve and your pandemic burnout is getting worse, it is worth asking for help. A visit to a psychologist or psychiatrist should not be a cause for shame! You should treat her in the same way as consulting another doctor. A prolonged pandemic causes exhaustion in humansaround the world.
Many people have lost their motivation to continue. Some people experience anxiety and depression. Uncertainty and fear adversely affect everyday functioning, worsen social relationships and lead to problems in relationships.
Although the pandemic won't last forever, it's not worth the wait! Each of us should face the challenge and, if necessary, ask for help from specialists.