Hepatic mite is a fluke that causes a parasitic disease called fasciolosis. Hepatic mite occurs in both animals and humans, with similar symptoms of infection. The diagnosis is based on the detection of its flukes in the stool. When liver fluke is detected, treatment should be initiated as soon as possible. See how you can get infected with liver fluke and what drugs are used in therapy.


  1. Hepatic mite - causes of fasciology
  2. Liver mite - how can you get infected?
  3. Hepatic mite - symptoms
  4. Hepatic mite - diagnosis
  5. Hepatic mite - treatment
  6. Hepatic mite - prophylaxis

Hepatic mite(LatinFasciola hepatica , hepatic fluke, hepatic fluke, fluke disease) causes a parasitic disease with a rather complicated development cycle which isfasciology .

The hepatic mite is a fluke that can grow up to five centimeters in length. The body is slightly transparent, flattened, white-gray in color, and the shape resembles a leaf. It has a special cover that protects it from being digested in the digestive system of the host, and at the same time has spikes that make it easier to attach to the walls of the internal organs of the organism on which it parasites.

Flukes most often settle in the liver and bile ducts, very rarely in other organs (pancreas, lymph nodes, urinary system or soft tissues).

Hepatic mite - causes of fasciology

Fluke eggs hatch larvae, the intermediate host of which is the snail, which lives in small water reservoirs and wetlands. It is in his body that the parasite transforms into new, more advanced forms and only then goes outside.

The ultimate host is a herbivorous mammal (most often goats, sheep, less often cattle, horses, rabbits), in which the fluke settles in the liver and bile ducts, multiplies, and new eggs get out along with the animal's faeces.

Liver mite - how can you get infected?

People can become infected when we drink contaminated water (from lakes, streams), eat food that has been washed with contaminated water, and even by suchan innocent act like chewing a blade of grass that may have larvae on it.

Hepatic mite - symptoms

The symptoms of fasciology are at first quite non-specific, and sometimes the disease is even asymptomatic.

It may appear:

  • low-grade fever or fever (which usually disappears after a few days),
  • itchy skin in the form of hives,
  • stomach pains,
  • indigestion,
  • lack of appetite (often aversion to fatty foods),
  • general weakness,
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea
  • liver enlargement, nausea, vomiting may occur over time, and if the fluke is located in the bile ducts, obstructing the free flow of bile, it may lead to jaundice.

Hepatic mite - diagnosis

How to detect liver fluke?If there is an enlargement of the liver or the patient complains of pain in this part of the abdominal cavity, the doctor may refer you to an ultrasound scan, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, thanks to which you can see a narrowing of the bile ducts, inflammation of the gallbladder or defects (tubules) in the liver.

In order to make a diagnosis at an earlier stage of the disease, the doctor will refer you to serological tests of blood and feces for parasites, but in the latter case, the presence of eggs can be found only when the liver fluke in the host's body reaches sexual maturity, i.e. after about 12 -14 weeks after infection.

Sometimes the doctor also recommends a blood test with ESR, eosinophil levels and liver aminotransferase levels, which will help you to make a diagnosis if you find that these values ​​are incorrect.

Hepatic mite - treatment

The basic treatment of fasciolosis includes antiparasitic drugs, thanks to which it is possible to get rid of flukes of the liver fluke from the body. Most often, the treatment is carried out at home, but if the disease has not been detected for a long time, parasitic infestation may occur, and then hospital treatment will be necessary.

Sometimes doctors also recommend using herbal preparations along with traditional pharmacological agents (e.g. black walnut, clove oil, musk quinoa), which make it easier to get rid of parasites from the body and herbs (e.g. milk thistle) , supporting faster liver regeneration.

Hepatic mite - prophylaxis

First of all, you need to remember about the basic rules: boiling water if it comes from natural water reservoirs to make it fit for consumption or if you want to use it to wash fruitor vegetables.

It is also recommended not to eat raw plants, especially those growing in wetlands. Sometimes contamination occurs when eating raw or undercooked meat (e.g. goat liver), so remember to carefully prepare this type of food.

Fortunately, fasciology can be treated, but if it is detected too late, it can lead to more serious diseases, including anemia or even cirrhosis of the liver.
