During the epidemic, most of us were sentenced to work from home. How to work from home and not go crazy? How to organize your time not to spend the whole day in front of the computer screen?
In order to work effectively from home and not to go crazy, the most important thing is good time organization and self-discipline. Otherwise, we can sit in pajamas in front of the computer all day and feel that we have not done anything meaningful. Of course, to the boss's displeasure.
Working from home - rules
1. We should plan each daycarefully . Create a daily plan and a to-do list and implement it consistently. It is also a good idea to enter smaller activities on it and check off what has already been done each time. It is very motivating as we can still see progress in our work.
2. Let us feel as if we are actually going to work. Let us motivate ourselves to embrace ourselves and the whole house in the morning, get dressed, wash andat a specific time , already after breakfast, rstart work . Later, it is worth takingregular breaks at workso that our eyesight rests from the computer and the spine rests from constant sitting. It is good if the next breaks follow after completing a task - then we will feel that we deserve a moment of relaxation. During the break, we can look out the window, go for a walk to get some air, do some shopping or cook dinner. Then both our head and the whole body will rest from intellectual effort.
3. The best for work isown office , but as not everyone has one at home, if possible, find a place at homethat we associate with work , not with relaxation. Then it will be easier for us to focus on work. It is worth keeping an eye on this order, because if we choose, for example, a sofa in the living room, where we most often relax and watch TV, our work may become much longer, because the line between rest and work will disappear.
4.Cut off external stimulithat may interfere with your work. In order to make the most efficient use of working time from home, we should be as focused as possible. It all depends on individual habits. If we need perfect silence to concentrate - let's turn off the TV, radio,let's close the windows through which the buzz of the city comes. If, however, we are used to quiet music playing somewhere in the background, we should not give it up.
5. If we have towork at home with young children , which is a challenge, it is best to use the time whenthe child is asleep or playing . It's good that the games we offer them are as little engaging as possible for the parent - then we will gain some peace. It is easier for older children to explain that the parent is working now and should not be disturbed. In limited numbers, cartoons and computer games can also help. If the screams or play of children distract us too much, headphones or earplugs may be the solution, but these only work when we look after older children.
Working from home can be fruitful and rewarding, as long as you separate your work time from family life and relaxation. We can learn good time organization, which is the key to success, over time.
The psychologist advises
Working from home for those who have not had such experience before can be quite a challenge. It requires planning an effective daily rhythm and finding yourself with new tasks in your home space. Failure to do so can quickly lead tofatigue and frustration . It is very important to keep agreements with yourself - starting and finishing work at the agreed time.
When working at home, you may experiencea feeling of lonelinesstroublesome people who are used to dealing with other people. In companies, we talk not only about work, but there are also social topics. The solution may bearranging short talks with friends over the phone or on the Internet during breaks.And you can eat lunch in the company thanks to Skype.
It is also worthtaking care oftraffic, of which we have more in companies. Just moving from the parking lot to the office or bathroom requires more energy than moving around the apartment. At home, during breaks, it is worth stretching or dancing for a while to energetic music.
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