France is a culinary paradise where nobody counts calories. And yet, French women are slim and shapely until their late years. Their secret is to eat small portions, but often plenty of water, a diet rich in vegetables, fish and seafood. These are the rules of French cuisine that will help you keep a slim figure.
Eating is an important part of life in France - private and social. How is it possible that a nation of butter lovers, pates, baguettes, croissants and champagne has one of the lowest obesity levels in Europe? Contrary to appearances, the averageFrenchdoes not have a stronger will than the rest of the women. She just knows how to enjoy life. And life has so many flavors … Here are the secrets of the slim figure of French women:
Diet for French women: solid breakfast in the morning
It is the most important meal of the day - it gives strength and energy to act, but also "turns up" the metabolism. French women know well that by providing themselves with calories in the first half of the day, they will avoid their dangerous accumulation in the evening. Thus, they prevent the accumulation of fat in strategic parts of the figure.
Diet of French women: regular and well-presented meals
French womenalways eat a wholesome breakfast, lunch and dinner at fixed times. In the meantime, they reach for 2-3 light snacks. They care not only about the taste of the dishes, but also about the way they are served. The more nicely decorated the dish, the greater the pleasure for the senses and the less desire to stuff yourself! They remember one more rule: more food can fit on a large plate, so better is … small.
Diet for French women: only take your time!
French women are real gourmets, so they eat slowly (minimum 15-20 minutes), chewing each (always a small!) Bite thoroughly. During lunch or dinner, they do not watch TV or browse magazines - they focus only on the contents of the plate. The slower you eat, the less you eat and the faster you feel full.
Diet of French women: to eat doesn't mean to overeat
Hungry eyes are bigger than the stomach, so they always put in reasonable portions and rise from the table with a slight dissatisfaction. The brain takes 15 minutes to read the stomach's "I'm full" message. So if you eat until you feel satiated, then you are overeated.
Diet of French women: you caneverything, but in moderation
There is no shortage of caloric bombs in French cuisine - but no slim French woman stuffs herself with them! A small piece of pate or cheese with a glass of wine will not suddenly be left in her hips. Especially since the French woman remembers to balance calories - and if she goes crazy at the table one day, she eats less and lighter the next.
Minimum 7 hours of sleep
There is a close relationship between lack of sleep and weight gain. A sleepy person is nervous, and this leads to overeating - and then eating is the easiest way to add energy, strength, improve mood and relieve stress. That's why French women try to sleep at least 7 hours a day.
Don't you dare to weigh in!
Don't put on weight too often. They know that your body weight changes several times a day. We weigh differently in the morning, afternoon and evening. In addition, women gain weight several days a month due to water retention in the body. And that's why French women prefer to rely on their own eyes and clothes size to judge.
Diet of French women: he althy snacks on hand
The French woman does not allow a hungry situation to throw herself at anything. The attack of wolf hunger has ruined many diets. That is why he always carries a small snack in his purse: a few nuts, almonds, fruit (fresh or several dried) or drinking yoghurt. It is also a psychological brake - the awareness that you can satisfy your hunger at any time, it calms you down and calms down - thus reducing your appetite.
Diet of French women: varied menu
French women love to discover new flavors and experiment with dishes that have been around for yearsthey are hosted on their tables. They assume that eating is a great pleasure. Contrary to appearances, varied cooking does not require so much effort: to give a familiar dish a new flavor, just add other spices, herbs, citrus juice to it or pour wine. Thanks to this, we stimulate the senses and imagination and do not fall into a nutritional routine.
French women's diet: weekend rewards
Renunciation is the mother of defeat. That is why French women do not give up sweets altogether. If they enjoy a croissant for breakfast, they eat it. But only once a week! During the weekend, they also enjoy the caloric delicacies that French cuisine is famous for. But they control their appetite, they don't fill up on food or catch up on the rest of the week. And the next day, they calmly return to rational nutrition.
Diet of French women: fish and seafood as often as possible
French women often eat sea fish, also fatty ones, because they contain valuable omega fats. Fish also contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus needed to keep bones in good condition. Iodine is also important - without it, the thyroid gland would not be able to function properly. In contrast, fresh seafood is a rich source of zinc, which improves the work of the entire nervous system.
Diet of French women: yogurt? Naturally!
It is nutritious, although low in calories (100 g has only 75 kcal), and above all very he althy (1 g contains about 10 million live bacteria cultures, many minerals and vitamins and a large amount of calcium). French women on the basis of natural yoghurt usually prepare light breakfasts, snacks or desserts.
Diet of French women: if fat, it's only olive oil
French women make a light and he althy vinaigrette from it. They choose the best olive oil, extra virgin. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system - it contains antioxidants that lower blood pressure. In addition, it works as the best cosmetic - it improves the appearance of skin, hair and nails and moisturizes the body from the inside.
Diet of French women: good bread, but in moderation
Only overeating with bread leads to obesity. Bread (especially wholemeal flour) is high in fiber, so it quickly gives you a feeling of fullness and improves your metabolism. No French woman can pass by the bakery indifferently. But he remembers two important rules: he chooses good-quality bread and eats it in small quantities as an addition to a huge portion of a salad with a light vinaigrette sauce.
Diet of the French: blue cheese after a meal
Camembert, brie, roquefort are French cheeses known all over the world. They are delicious, but very high in calories(100 g is about 360 kcal!). French women eat them often, and yet they do not gain weight. Why? First, cheese appears on the table at the end of the meal, and little is eaten. Secondly, it contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which speeds up the metabolism and reduces the amount of fat in the body. Third, the cheese contains calcium, which facilitates weight loss.
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