Are you looking for a way to live longer? Scientists are constantly working on it and discovering new secrets of longevity. It turns out that mental factors that we don't usually associate with physical he alth can extend life by years or even decades. Learn 5 ways you need to implement to … live longer!
It is worth looking forways to live a long life , because research shows that the human body has been "programmed" in such a way as to survive 110-115 years without any problems.
Changes in life expectancy
Among the cavemen, the 30-year-old was an old man! In the sixteenth century, thirty years was already the average life expectancy of the average person. In the nineteenth century, this average rose to forty years. Today, a statistical Pole lives approx. 72 years, while a Polish woman lives 9 years longer. Life expectancy has increased in recent times mainly due to the advances in medicine, which have resulted in a reduction in child mortality, the availability of drugs, the elimination of deadly diseases (e.g. plague, tuberculosis), vaccines, and the spread of hygiene habits, etc.
Not only medicine has something to say here. For example, the abrupt increase in the life expectancy of Poles in the 1990s (after the systemic transformation) was related to non-medical factors - an improvement in the quality of nutrition and a decrease in alcohol consumption. But it is not everything. We know today at least a few psychological factors that certainly extend our lives.
It turns out thatways to longevityare very simple and within the reach of practically everyone. We present the most important.
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