Eczema herpeticum is a skin disease characterized by the presence of purulent bullous lesions.
Eczema herpeticummainly affects children with allergic diseasesskinor adults withatopic dermatitis. The period of incubation of the infection is from several to several days.
Eczema herpeticum - symptoms
The characteristics are:
- vesicles with purulent contents and a umbilical depression in the middle. Irregularities tend to group
- increased body temperature, general weakness in children is possible
Eczema herpeticum - diagnosis
The disease is diagnosed on the basis of typical clinical features, especially if the child has skin allergic problems. In the diagnostic process, it is necessary to differentiate between pyoderma or lycosis of allergic lesions that have a less rapid clinical course, without the occurrence of fever and vesicles with an umbilical hollow.
Eczema herpeticum - treatment
The local therapy of herpeticum involves the use of sprays or creams containing antibiotics or disinfectants. Systemically, acyclovir is administered via intravenous drips and antibiotics that exhibit a broad spectrum of activity against numerous pathogenic bacteria. Often the therapy is chronic and only long-term medication can cure the disease.