There are more and more people at risk of diabetes. It is an insidious disease, because it does not cause any special ailments for a long time, and when hidden, it destroys the kidneys, eyesight and blood vessels. Some of the symptoms of diabetes are increased thirst, fatigue, and dry skin. Fortunately, exercise can go a long way in lowering your blood sugar levels.

Developingdiabetesmay be seen as unnaturally increased thirst and frequent urination.Diabetesis usually accompanied by recurring fungal infections of the skin. Wounds are difficult to heal and can cause serious infections. The common symptoms of high blood sugar are somnolence (before and after a meal), fatigue, and hyperhidrosis. Over time, eyesight deteriorates, which is manifested by blurred vision. In men, the first symptom of diabetes is often erectile dysfunction. Women suffer from chronic vaginitis.

Sugar destroys the urinary, circulatory and nervous systems

The cause of these problems is too much sugar circulating in the blood. It first destroys the organs of the urinary, blood and nervous systems. This happens when the body does not produce (or makes too little) insulin - the hormone needed to convert sugar - or glucose - into energy. The onset of the disease is usually unnoticeable as the main culprit - sugar - works slowly.

Two types of diabetes

Doctors distinguish two types of diabetes.Type 1 diabetesresults from a lack of insulin. The pancreas - responsible for the production of this hormone - has a genetic defect and does not fulfill its function. 2-10 percent suffer from monogenic diabetes (a defect in a single gene). people, mostly children. The mechanism of the development oftype 2 diabetesis that the amount of insulin produced by the body is insufficient in relation to the amount of sugar supplied with food. Why? With age, the pancreas loses beta cells that make insulin. Add in nutritional mistakes, lack of exercise, and the resulting excess weight, and you will develop diabetes over time.

Diet and exercise have anti-diabetic properties

Exercise is an integral part of treating diabetes, but it is also an excellent method of preventing disease. Movement, it turns out, is similar to insulin. Exercise increases the consumption of sugar by the muscle cells, and thatleads to a drop in blood sugar levels. Physical activity helps to get rid of excess weight and reduce obesity, which are considered to be one of the leading causes of type 2 diabetes. Exercise and proper diet can be considered anti-diabetes medications. Therefore, it is worth using them regularly as medications, according to the doctor's recommendations. The type of exercise should always be appropriate to your he alth condition. It is worth discussing this issue with your doctor.

People with diabetes (and those at risk of this disease) are recommended sports or exercises that evenly burden the body. These include: swimming, skiing, playing volleyball or basketball. Gymnastics, jogging, aerobics and fast-paced walks work well every day. It is also recommended to run and nordic walking marches. When planning physical activity, remember to exercise regularly (at least 30-60 minutes 3 times a week).

Exercises should begin with the easier ones and end with calming ones. You should also replace the fluids lost through sweat: it is best to drink low-mineralized, still water. Regular physical exercise helps to balance diabetes, that is, to obtain the correct blood sugar and lipid levels, the level of glycated hemoglobin and blood pressure. What's all this for? To minimize the risk of developing diabetes complications.

How To Test Your Blood Glucose

In he althy people, blood sugar should be between 60 and 100 mg%. The meter test takes a few seconds and you get the result immediately. After the age of 45, it is worth doing them every 3 years. Every year, people who are at high risk should check their sugar, that is: have a family member with diabetes, have had gestational diabetes, have had a child weighing more than 4.5 kg, have a low level of good cholesterol (HDL below 35 mg%), high triglyceride levels (over 200 mg%) and hypertension (140/90 mmHg or more).

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