Deficiencies of certain substances in the diet are visible in the condition of the body. Brittle nails, problems with bones and joints, high cholesterol are signs of vitamin and other substance deficiencies. Monitor your diet for vitamin D, magnesium, calcium, fiber, OMEGA-3, lutein, folic acid and probiotics.
Here aresubstanceswith documented he alth effects that may be lacking in our diets.
1. Vitamin D
It is important not only for the skeletal system, but also for the cardiovascular system.To whom it is recommended:to all Poles in the fall-winter season; people over 65 should take it all year round.
2. Magnesium
Necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems.Recommended for:people who drink a lot of coffee, live under stress, eat a poorly diversified diet low in nuts, legumes and whole grains.
3. Calcium
It is needed primarily to build and maintain he althy bones and teeth.Recommended for:people who eat little dairy products are allergic to cow's milk protein, postmenopausal women.
4. Fiber
Soluble is primarily conducive to maintaining the proper level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood, insoluble, it normalizes the functions of the digestive system.Recommended for:people who eat too little vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
5. Omega-3 fatty acids
They have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, joints, and immunity.Recommended to:everyone who does not eat sea fish twice a week, pregnant and breastfeeding women (DHEA acid), people with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis .
6. Lutein
Like no other antioxidant, it protects the macula against the harmful effects of sunlight.Recommended for:people with a family history of macular degeneration (AMD) and seniors.
7. Cranberry extract
Contains proanthocyanidins, which prevent bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract.Recommended for:women prone to inflammation of the lower urinary tract.
8. Folic acid
Prevents neural tube defects in the fetus. It has a positive effect on the nervous and circulatory systems.Recommended for:pregnant women or women planning motherhood, people who eat too little green leafy vegetables and whole grains, people with high concentration of homocysteine.
9. Probiotics
Normalize the bacterial flora in the digestive system and in the vagina.Recommended for:people taking antibiotics, women prone to mycosis or bacterial vaginosis, children with food allergies.
10. Gammalinolenic acid
Borage and evening primrose oils contain it. Regulates the lipid metabolism, helps maintain the efficiency of the joints.Recommended for:elderly people, who often have a deficiency of this acid.
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