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A diet of good calories is balanced and provides a lot of vitamins and trace elements. You can use it for more than a month because it is he althy. It is especially recommended for people with obesity. Unfortunately, it requires a lot of knowledge - what is good and what is not allowed to eat.

The diet of good caloriesconsists in eating products containing the so-called good calories and avoiding bad calories. Good calories are those that inhibit fat formation and take away the feeling of hunger. They should have a low glycemic index. Bad calories are those that accelerate the build-up ofadipose tissue . It is also worth eliminating combinations of products that cause the production of excess fat, i.e. combinations of animal protein (meat, dairy products) with carbohydrates (cereal products, such as bread, rice, groats). Apart from a few points, the diet is rational, with a reasonable approach it can be used by he althy adults.

Pros of a good calorie diet:

Although it has few limitations, it is extremely effective. It is especially recommended for people who are overweight. The author of the diet argues that the greaterobesity , the faster you lose weight. Importantly, we do not recognize the feeling of hunger and hence - the nervousness that often accompanies diets.
Good calories are mainly lean dairy products, meat and fish, as well as whole grain cereal products, fruits with lower calories (apples, cherries, strawberries, citrus, peaches, apricots, gooseberries, currants). Fatty dairy products, white bread, breakfast cereals, bananas, avocados, dried fruit, nuts and seeds are excluded. Delete sugar and sweets from the menu.


Don't experiment with your he alth. Before adopting any diet, consult a dietitian or physician.

Cons of a good calorie diet:

Like any alternative diet, this one also has certain rules that can be doubted. First of all, it is required to limit animal protein as much as possible for at least 2 weeks of dieting. As the basic building block of the body, it is used for proper development (building hormones, enzymes, tissues, the immune system, etc.). In addition, meat provides many minerals (e.g. iron) and B vitamins. Iron prevents anemia, and B vitamins affectfor the proper development and functioning of the nervous system and the proper structure of red blood cells. This one assumption completely disqualifies a diet as suitable for pregnant and lactating women. The big disadvantage of the diet is also the elimination of nuts and seeds, which are a very good source (right after oils) of unsaturated fatty acids. These acids primarily affect the proper development of the brain and nervous system, are necessary for proper growth, and have a beneficial effect on the body: they lower the level of bad cholesterol (LDL), lower blood pressure, prevent atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes and affect the body's immunity. .
The diet requires the administration of vitamin and mineral supplements, with particular emphasis on vitamins A, C, E, magnesium, potassium, copper and chromium. In the long run, this point is unacceptable. Remember that a properly composed diet should not require the use of such preparations.

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