Nutmeg oil is worth having in your first aid kit. Because it is considered a soothing "balm" for both physical and mental problems. What's the secret of his secret? We will take a closer look at the properties of nutmeg oil.

Nutmeg Oilis not as popular as other essential oils. It's worth finding out a little more about him! For example, that its two components,myristicin and elemicin , show hallucinogenic effects.

Nutmeg Oil: where does it come from?

The nutmeg oil comes from theevergreen treeMyristica fragransfrom the island of Maluku, located in the archipelago of the Spicy Islands. The popular spice in the kitchen, which is nutmeg, came to Europe in the Middle Ages thanks to Arab merchants. Later, the Dutch took care of her, who developed amethod of sterilizing the seeds of the scoop with lime . At the end of the 17th century, the French missionary and merchant Pierre Poivre took the nutmeg seedlings to the paradise islands of Mauritius and Reunion. Since then, nutmeg has become awanted product all over the world .

Nutmeg oil: the method of obtaining

Nutmeg Oilis obtained in two ways :

  1. nutmeg oil is obtained fromfrom crushed nuts into butterknown as nutmeg,
  2. nutmeg oil is also distilledfrom the characteristic red arches of the nut , giving it aslightly spicy aromawith a stronger hint of musk.

Nutmeg oil: chemical composition

The unique composition ofnutmeg oil is 75 percent. ingredients that are identical to juniper oil. Nevertheless, the absolute originality of the nutmeg elixir is determined bydifferences in the proportions ofand 25 percent. other ingredients.

Nutmeg Oil has avery diverse and complex composition . It occurs in it, among others:

  • sabinenis considered a secondary terpene withantioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties ,
  • alpha-pinenuhas calming and stress-reducing properties ,
  • mircen , more preciselymonoterpenstimulates neurotransmitters in the brain and brings a state of calm,
  • beta-pinenealleviates depression and may slow down cancer development,
  • limoneneit is a compound that has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties,
  • safrol improves mood , relieves pain and improves libido,
  • borneol has a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect,
  • myristicinis a substance with apsychoactive effectthat causes statesfrom cheerfulness to perceptual disturbances, fainting and lethargy ,
  • elemicinworks for thishallucinogenic .

Nutmeg Oil: Properties

Due to its rich composition, nutmeg oilhas a broad spectrum of activity . What are its properties?

  • Has anti-inflammatory properties,
  • Relieves lower abdominal pain,
  • Reduces swelling of rheumatic and sports origin,
  • Eliminates skin redness,
  • Prevents tissue degeneration and damage as a result of other harmful substances,
  • Fights bacteria responsible for the development of caries , gum disease and the common coli (E. coli),
  • Reduces anxiety, reduces stress levels,
  • Improves the mood and increases the amount of positive energy,
  • Supports libido,
  • Clarifies and smoothes the complexion,
  • Improves the condition of the hair and scalp.

Nutmeg oil is most often used inaromatherapy, physiotherapy, cosmetics industry(e.g. body lotions, shampoos),perfumery and food(e.g. baked goods, drinks and sweets). As a curiosity, you know that drinking cola is associated with the consumption of nutmeg oil at the same time.

Nutmeg Oil: Is Nutmeg Safe?

This elixir belongs to thegroup of non-toxic and non-irritating agents . Nevertheless, nutmeg oil is not intended forpregnant women and children under 12 years of age.

We should not apply the oil to the skin in its pure form, nor consume under any circumstances.

IMPORTANT:you may experienceside effects(including:vomiting, fainting, paranoia and hallucinations ) due to the use of too high doses of nutmeg oil.


  1. Muchtaridi, Anas Subarnas, […], and Resmi Mustarichie, Identification of Compounds in the Essential Oil of Nutmeg Seeds (Myristica fragrans Houtt.)That Inhibit Locomotor Activity in Mice.
  2. Jillian Kubala; 8 Science-Backed Benefits of Nutmeg.
  3. Robert Tisserand, Rodney Young; Essential oil profiles; Essential Oil Safety (Second Edition), 2014.
