Rejuvenation is often associated with invasive aesthetic medicine and even plastic surgery. Meanwhile, it is enough to stimulate the skin to act, boosting the natural physiological processes. The best technique for this is massaging, and in different variants. We looked at a few rejuvenating massages that quickly bring positive results.
- Rejuvenating massages:
- Endermology - vacuum massage
- Vacuum massage
- Face biolifting - microcurrent massage
- Lymphatic massage (drainage)
- Japanese tanaka facial massage
- Coconut bowl massage
The flow of time is one thing - usually the condition of the skin and the individual perception of its youth are influenced by inhibited natural processes. What to do? The answer is simple: re-energize them. This is the task of rejuvenating massages.
Rejuvenating massage:
Endermology - vacuum massage
This type of massage is to stimulate the skin to work better. First, we put on a special suit that must fit snugly to the body. Thanks to this, there is no risk of any skin irritation by the massage device. And how is the procedure itself? The skin folds are somehow rolled - pulled between the rollers of the head of the device, which resembles a wave effect.
The skin, and more specifically the connective tissue, is under high pressure. Its task is to stimulate the work of fibroblasts, i.e. cells that produce collagen and elastin. These two proteins keep the skin looking he althy, firm and supple. In short - this is how we rejuvenate.
By the way, the metabolism gains more fuel, the circulatory system functions better, and adipose tissue is also mobilized to act. We get rid of swelling and cellulite, and the body is better at removing toxins.
To make it more interesting, more endorphins are also released, hence endermology simply improves the mood. One of the types of this treatment is endermolift, i.e. negative pressure massage of the face, neckline and neck.
Vacuum massage
Vacuum massage is performed with the use of various devices and accessories - such as Chinese cupping. They act on the skin in such a way that a negative pressure is created and then a vacuum effect (hence the namesurgery). The treatment involves rhythmic suction and smoothing out skin folds. It has a very deep effect on the skin, e.g. breaking down fat lumps. That is why vacuum massage is considered to be one of the most effective methods of fat burning.
In addition, the skin treated in this way naturally smoothes, works better, and the body is more effective at removing toxins. The blood supply and hydration of the skin improves, the metabolism works at full speed. Vacuum massage is worth using not only to rejuvenate the skin, but also to remove unpleasant-looking cellulite or stretch marks.
Face biolifting - microcurrent massage
This interesting procedure is performed with a device that affects the skin with the help of microcurrents (electrical impulses). It is a kind of "power" that translates into greater cell activity - incl. the natural production of collagen and elastin is accelerated, hence the straight path to firmer, more elastic skin with better color.
Biolifting of the face affects many systems - including the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Metabolism works faster, muscles work, fat burns. And everything is painless - you can only feel a slight tingling or tingling sensation.
Lymphatic massage (drainage)
Lymphatic massage (or lymphatic drainage) is designed to improve the flow of lymph and blood, and as a result, eliminate stagnation, swelling, improve skin tone and restore its he althy appearance. It is a type of pressure massage that belongs to physiotherapy.
It is performed mainly in biological regeneration salons. It is also one of the best ways to get rid of cellulite. It can be used on various parts of the body, although it most commonly affects the arms and legs. It allows you to feel more "light", relaxes, relaxes, improves mood and overall shape. It also has an excellent effect on the lymph nodes.
When is it worth using it (apart from cellulite and swelling problems)? Especially when the skin is hard and thick, and the legs or arms seem heavy. Lymphatic drainage has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and lymphatic system, accelerates its natural functioning, which is why it also has excellent rejuvenating properties.
Japanese tanaka facial massage
The name of the massage comes from the Japanese cosmetologist Yukoko Tanaki. However, it is based on traditional Far Eastern rituals - the anma massage system ("an" - press; "ma" - rub).
Since the Japanese are famous for caring for their skin, and at the same time they can pride themselves on its great condition and longevity, it is worth taking an interest in thismassage. What's more, we can also make it ourselves - manually or using a special massage device.
Examples of tanaka massage elements that can be performed while applying cosmetics are as follows:
- Cheeks: we put our hands on the cheeks, gently move downwards - over the neck to the sternum. With everything, we press lightly on the skin.
- Forehead: place your fingers on your forehead and press them against your skin. Then we move down the face - similarly to the point above.
- Nose: massage the skin around the noses with circular movements. Then we move to the central part of the nose.
- Chin: put your fingers on it, lightly press it against your skin. Then we make circular movements around the mouth towards the outer corners and under the nose. The next step is to slightly tilt your head forward and your hands land on your chin. Gently press the skin towards the ears and cheeks.
- Skin around the eyes: place the fingertips in the outer corners of the eyes. We walk towards the inner corners, making circular movements. We finish everything by moving our hands over the face, neck and heading to the sternum.
Coconut bowl massage
Finally, we present a traditional Polynesian treatment that brings great results when it comes to rejuvenating and firming the skin. Coconut bowls are heated, but before the proper massage is performed, the skin should be properly prepared.
The first step is peeling - usually done simply with sand (preferably imported from Polynesian islands).
Then special natural cosmetics are applied to the skin. Usually in the mixture we find:
- Coconut milk - not only a pleasant fragrance, but also a protective film for the skin. Coconut milk also firms the skin, moisturizes and smoothes it.
- Lotus flower - gives the skin elasticity, flexibility and freshness. It also has the power to smooth out wrinkles.
- Macadamia oil - regenerates the skin, soothes irritations and even fights cellulite.
- Coconut oil - one of the most popular natural cosmetics today. It has an excellent effect on the skin - it smoothes it, nourishes it, prevents dryness and discoloration, protects against wrinkles and the effect of "sagging" skin.
- Fig extract - another ingredient that regenerates the skin. In addition, it supports the synthesis of collagen.
- Other ingredients that can be found during massage with coconut bowls are also pomegranate extract, tamanu oil or kigela extract. The skin treated with valuable, natural preparations is then massaged with the heated onescoconut bowls. Due to their semicircular shape, they perfectly adapt to the skin itself and the shape of the body. They support the absorption of valuable nutrients, eliminate muscle tension, relax and, of course, rejuvenate.

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