The Great Dane is one of the largest dogs in the world. Due to its size, this breed can cause anxiety or even terror. However, this is a misleading impression. Great Danes are animals with a very gentle character, friendly to people, also children, devoted and faithful to their owners.
Great Daneis a breed that belongs to the group of molossers, which includes mainly very large animals (but not exclusively: small molossers include, for example, pugs and French bulldogs).
The German Great Dane came to Europe probably from Asia, already in the times of the Roman Empire.
Due to their size as well as the courage they show, modern breeds of molossers are mainly used as herding and guard dogs.
Against this background, the Great Dane stands out among other breeds of this group. Initially, it also served as a tracking and hunting dog, it was kept at manors for hunting big game. When we visit a historic palace, we have a good chance to come across a picture of a Great Dane posing with his master against the backdrop of aristocratic interiors.
But later, along with the decline in the number of, among others, wild boars in today's Germany, Great Dane breeding began to be limited. It was then that he began to gain recognition as a companion dog among the upper social classes. Other features of this breed made themselves known, most of all a gentle disposition.
Great Dane: appearance
Dogs are very large dogs. According to the standard of this breed, the height of dogs at the withers is at least 80 cm, bitches - at least 72 cm. Body weight varies between 50 and 70 kg.
Dogs have narrow, elongated heads and a rectangular muzzle, usually dark eyes, and medium-sized, drooping ears. Limbs - straight and muscular.
Dog hair is short, very dense, lying smoothly against the skin and shiny.
When it comes to coat color, this breed has basically three combinations.
We meet yellow and yellow brindle (black mask required), a popular harlequin type (on white, evenly distributed irregular black spots, this group also includes dogs with a uniform black color). The blue Great Dane is the third group.
Great Dane: character
German Great Dane are demanding dogs. They are expensive to maintain, they hate loneliness, they need contactwith their master, they are also prone to various types of diseases, so owners must be aware that they have a lot of caution in eating and keeping in good he alth.
In training there should be a balance between gentleness and firmness. Great Danes are calm dogs, they are difficult to throw off balance, but at the same time they can be dangerous, even because of their size and weight.
Walking with a Great Dane can be troublesome for the same reasons: maintaining a 70-kilo colossus requires a strong, masculine hand.
Great Dane: Grooming
Great Dane has a coat that is very easy to care for. Simply brush it once a week with a bristle brush and a rubber glove to remove any dead hair, and then rub it with a cotton towel or chamois leather to add a shine to the coat.
We bathe the dog if necessary. It is worth adding that Great Danes do not like water, so - due to the size and weight of the animal - washing may be problematic.
Of course, individuals bred for shows require more detailed and regular care, not only for their hair, but also for their eyes, ears, teeth and claws. There are preparations available on the market to help maintain hygiene.
Great Dane: feeding
A dog of this breed is expensive to maintain as it requires good food. The diet of Great Danes should be varied and meals balanced.
The owner must focus on ensuring that the dog food is rich in three main ingredients: protein, fat and carbohydrates.
The latest nutrition trends assume that owners are feeding dogs by mimicking the natural diet of canines and wolves, that is, focusing on a raw diet of meat, bones, offal and vegetables (also known as BARFs).
This allows you to avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which are most often associated with improperly selected proportions in the diet or the introduction of a poorly composed menu.
This can lead to disease or at least deteriorate the general condition of the animal.
Important!Badly chosen meals can also have a negative impact on the work of the entire animal's body, especially in the period of adolescence - mistakes made at this stage will have consequences throughout life.
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